The Managing Director of McDowell’s Mohun Bagan, Anjan Kumar Mitra, yesterday sent a letter to the All India Football Federation president Praful Patel, requesting him to review the judgement passed by Ex-Supreme Court Judge A.K. Ganguly because of which Mohun Bagan had to pay a heavy fine of Rs. 2 crores.
Mohun Bagan in their letter dated November 30 to the AIFF president stated
We draw your kind attention to the news reports being flashed across all media today throughout the country regarding ex-Supreme Court judge Mr. A. K. Ganguly who has been accused of molesting an intern.
Please note that this is the same person who recommended a harsh decision against our club in the last football season for an field incident during the I League and he was also instrumental in prescribing a heavy fine on our Club.
Since the person concerned ex-Supreme Court judge Mr. A. K. Ganguly is of questionable integrity, we request you to please review the judgement passed by him against us.
An interesting letter from Mohun Bagan to the AIFF, but if the club questions the integrity of the former Supreme Court judge, then shouldn’t these club administrators also question their own decisions which led to Mohun Bagan walking out of the derby against East Bengal Club on December 9, 2012.
Then at the end of the day, the judgement of the AIFF went against the own rules of the federation which would have normally meant that the club would have been thrown out of the I-League for three years.
Maybe these people should ask themselves this question…