For the first time in history two Indian school boys Hriday Vaswani and Vignesh Naiker, have been selected for a week-long training at the Manchester United Soccer Schools (MUSS) Global Residential Programme in the UK which is going to begin from July 15 to 20. Most astonishing fact is that Hriday and Vignesh are just 14 and 16 year old respectively. They are selected after a five-month long, three-phase training process held by MUSS at its Mumbai school located inside the Cooperage football ground. Those lucky guys are among the 175 school children from 45 countries selected across the globe.
Chris O’Brien , the chief coach of MUSS (Mumbai) told media today ,” These two boys are the first from India to be selected for the stint in UK. Both lads would have the experience of a lifetime. They will find themselves in a coaching group of players from several different countries. I am sure they will make friends for life.” Diminutive Hriday is from Dhirubhai Ambani International School is an attacking midfielder, while Vignesh from Our Lady of Good Counsel is a left winger. Though O’Brien has made it clear that they will have to play in different positions during the session.