#4 Dedication and Hard work

It may sound a bit harsh but let's face the truth. Neymar is neither as gifted as Messi nor does he put in as much amount of work as Ronaldo.
Legends and pundits often say that Messi has been a gift from the footballing gods and Ronaldo has worked hard to reach where he is today. Well, it's clear that the magic Messi creates on the pitch can't be matched by any other player, not even Neymar.
Now when you are not at that level, you need to work hard to reach it, as Ronaldo did in his career. Ronaldo is a perfect athlete, the hours he spent in the gym has paid off for him.
Somewhere, Neymar needs to show more determination and drive, his transfer made his intentions to be the best crystal clear. But that is not enough for him to actually beat Messi and Ronaldo to the glorious award.
Neymar has also worked extremely well to reach the level where he stands today, but if he desires more, then maybe he needs to work even harder. It is very probable that Neymar will win the Balon d'Or one day but if he wants it to happen soon, he really needs to step up.