Group E:
Switzerland: “End Station: 13.07.2014 Maracana!” (Translation: “Final Stop: 07-13-14 Maracana!”)
Ecuador: “Un Compromiso,una Pasión, Un Solo Corazón, ¡va Por Ti Ecuador!” (Translation: “One commitment, One passion, Only one heart, This is for you Ecuador!”)
France: “Impossible N’est Pas Francais.” (Translation: “Impossible is not a French word.”)
Honduras: “Somos Un Pueblo, Una Nación, Cinco Estrellas De Corazón.” (Translation: “We are one country, one nation, five stars on the heart.”)
Group F:
Argentina: “No Somos Un Equipo, Somos Un País.” (Translation: “Not just a team, we are a country.”)
Bosnia and Herzegovina: “Zmajevi U Srcu…zmajevi Na Terenu!” (Translation: “Dragons in heart, Dragons on the field!”)
Iran: “?????? ????” (Translation: “Honour of Persia”)
Nigeria: “Only together we can win.”
Group G:
Germany: “Ein Land, Eine Mannschaft, Ein Traum!” (Translation: “One Nation, One Team, One Dream!”)
Portugal: “O Passado É História, O Futuro É A Vitória.” (Translation: “The past is history. The future is victory.”)
Ghana: “Black Stars: Here To Illuminate Brazil.”
USA: “United by team, Driven by passion!”
Group H:
Belgium: “Attendez-vous À L’impossible!” (Translation: “Expect the impossible!”)
Algeria: “?????? ??????? ?? ????????” (Translation: “Desert Warriors in Brazil!”)
Russia: “??? ?? ???????!!!” (Translation: “No one can catch us.”)
Korea Republic: “???, ????!” (Translation: “Enjoy it, Reds!”)