Premier League 2016-17 fixtures released: Download PDF of EPL 2016 Schedule, match date, time and venue

The new Premier League logo and font

The Premier League have released the fixtures for the upcoming 2016 – 2017 season starting August 13th. Having gone ahead without a title sponsor for the upcoming season, the league will simply be called the Premier League and sport a redesigned logo and typeface that's being used for all their communication.

With the arrival of managerial supergiants in the ilk of Pep Guardiola and Antonio Conte – and a change of club for Jose Mourinho – this Premier League promises to be the most exciting one yet.


Leicester shocked the world and pulled off an incredible miracle by winning the English title in the 2015- 2016 season and will look to defend it against the rejuvenated sides of Arsenal, Manchester United, Manchester City, Chelsea, Liverpool, Everton, and Tottenham Hotspurs.

The Premier League also welcomes back Burnley into the league after a year's sabbatical in the English Championship. Middlesborough and Hull City also make their returns to the English top flight and will look to lock horns with some of the world’s best teams.


Here are the fixtures of the Premier League 2016-17 season:

Complete Fixtures PDF Download

13 August 2016 (Matchweek 1)

AFC Bournemouth v Manchester United #BOUMUNArsenal v Liverpool #ARSLIVBurnley v Swansea City #BURSWAChelsea v West Ham United #CHEWHUCrystal Palace v West Bromwich Albion #CRYWBAEverton v Tottenham Hotspur #EVETOTHull City v Leicester City #HULLEIManchester City v Sunderland #MCISUNMiddlesbrough v Stoke City #MIDSTKSouthampton v Watford #SOUWAT

20 August 2016 (Matchweek 2)

Leicester City v Arsenal #LEIARSLiverpool v Burnley #LIVBURManchester United v Southampton #MUNSOUStoke City v Manchester City #STKMCISunderland v Middlesbrough #SUNMIDSwansea City v Hull City #SWAHULTottenham Hotspur v Crystal Palace #TOTCRYWatford v Chelsea #TOTCRYWest Bromwich Albion v Everton #WBAEVEWest Ham United v AFC Bournemouth #WHUBOU


27 August 2016 (Matchweek 3)

Chelsea v Burnley #CHEBURCrystal Palace v AFC Bournemouth #CRYBOUEverton v Stoke City #EVESTKHull City v Manchester United #HULMUNLeicester City v Swansea City #LEISWAManchester City v West Ham United #MCIWHUSouthampton v Sunderland #SOUSUNTottenham Hotspur v Liverpool #TOTLIVWatford v Arsenal #WATARSWest Bromwich Albion v Middlesbrough #WBAMID

10 September 2016 (Matchweek 4)

AFC Bournemouth v West Bromwich Albion #BOUWBAArsenal v Southampton #ARSSOUBurnley v Hull City #BURHULLiverpool v Leicester City #LIVLEIManchester United v Manchester City #MUNMCIMiddlesbrough v Crystal Palace #MIDCRYStoke City v Tottenham Hotspur #STKTOTSunderland v Everton #SUNEVESwansea City v Chelsea #SWACHEWest Ham United v Watford #WHUWAT


17 September 2016 (Matchweek 5)

Chelsea v Liverpool #CHELIVCrystal Palace v Stoke City #CRYSTKEverton v Middlesbrough #EVEMIDHull City v Arsenal #HULARSLeicester City v Burnley #LEIBURManchester City v AFC Bournemouth #MCIBOUSouthampton v Swansea City #SOUSWATottenham Hotspur v Sunderland #TOTSUNWatford v Manchester United #WATMUNWest Bromwich Albion v West Ham United #WBAWHU

24 September 2016 (Matchweek 6)

AFC Bournemouth v Everton #BOUEVEArsenal v Chelsea #ARSCHEBurnley v Watford #BURWATLiverpool v Hull City #LIVHULManchester United v Leicester City #MUNLEIMiddlesbrough v Tottenham Hotspur #MIDTOTStoke City v West Bromwich Albion #STKWBASunderland v Crystal Palace #SUNCRYSwansea City v Manchester City #SWAMCIWest Ham United v Southampton #WHUSOU


1 October 2016 (Matchweek 7)

Burnley v Arsenal #BURARSEverton v Crystal Palace #EVECRYHull City v Chelsea #HULCHELeicester City v Southampton #LEISOUManchester United v Stoke City #MUNSTKSunderland v West Bromwich Albion #SUNWBASwansea City v Liverpool #SWALIVTottenham Hotspur v Manchester City #TOTMCIWatford v AFC Bournemouth #WATBOUWest Ham United v Middlesbrough #WHUMID

15 October 2016 (Matchweek 8)

AFC Bournemouth v Hull City #BOUHULArsenal v Swansea City #ARSSWAChelsea v Leicester City #CHELEICrystal Palace v West Ham United #CRYWHULiverpool v Manchester United #LIVMUNManchester City v Everton #MCIEVEMiddlesbrough v Watford #MIDWATSouthampton v Burnley #SOUBURStoke City v Sunderland #STKSUNWest Bromwich Albion v Tottenham Hotspur #WBATOT


22 October 2016 (Matchweek 9)

AFC Bournemouth v Tottenham Hotspur #BOUTOTArsenal v Middlesbrough #ARSMIDBurnley v Everton #BUREVEChelsea v Manchester United #CHEMUNHull City v Stoke City #HULSTKLeicester City v Crystal Palace #LEICRYLiverpool v West Bromwich Albion #LIVWBAManchester City v Southampton #MCISOUSwansea City v Watford #SWAWATWest Ham United v Sunderland #WHUSUN

29 October 2016 (Matchweek 10)

Crystal Palace v Liverpool #CRYLIVEverton v West Ham United #EVEWHUManchester United v Burnley #MUNBURMiddlesbrough v AFC Bournemouth #MIDBOUSouthampton v Chelsea #SOUCHEStoke City v Swansea City #STKSWASunderland v Arsenal #SUNARSTottenham Hotspur v Leicester City #TOTLEIWatford v Hull City #WATHULWest Bromwich Albion v Manchester City #WBAMCI


5 November 2016 (Matchweek 11)

AFC Bournemouth v Sunderland #BOUSUNArsenal v Tottenham Hotspur #ARSTOTBurnley v Crystal Palace #BURCRYChelsea v Everton #CHEEVEHull City v Southampton #HULSOULeicester City v West Bromwich Albion #LEIWBALiverpool v Watford #LIVWATManchester City v Middlesbrough #MCIMIDSwansea City v Manchester United #SWAMUNWest Ham United v Stoke City #WHUSTK

19 November 2016 (Matchweek 12)

Crystal Palace v Manchester City #CRYMCIEverton v Swansea City #EVESWAManchester United v Arsenal #MUNARSMiddlesbrough v Chelsea #MIDCHESouthampton v Liverpool #SOULIVStoke City v AFC Bournemouth #STKBOUSunderland v Hull City #SUNHULTottenham Hotspur v West Ham United #TOTWHUWatford v Leicester City #WATLEIWest Bromwich Albion v Burnley #WBABUR


26 November 2016 (Matchweek 13)

Arsenal v AFC Bournemouth #ARSBOUBurnley v Manchester City #BURMCIChelsea v Tottenham Hotspur #CHETOTHull City v West Bromwich Albion #HULWBALeicester City v Middlesbrough #LEIMIDLiverpool v Sunderland #LIVSUNManchester United v West Ham United #MUNWHUSouthampton v Everton #SOUEVESwansea City v Crystal Palace #SWACRYWatford v Stoke City #WATSTK

3 December 2016 (Matchweek 14)

AFC Bournemouth v Liverpool #BOULIVCrystal Palace v Southampton #CRYSOUEverton v Manchester United #EVEMUNManchester City v Chelsea #HULWBAMiddlesbrough v Hull City #MIDHULStoke City v Burnley #STKBURSunderland v Leicester City #SUNLEITottenham Hotspur v Swansea City #WBAWATWest Bromwich Albion v Watford #WBAWATWest Ham United v Arsenal #WHUARS


10 December 2016 (Matchweek 15)

Arsenal v Stoke City #ARSSTKBurnley v AFC Bournemouth #BURBOUChelsea v West Bromwich Albion #CHEWBAHull City v Crystal Palace #HULCRYLeicester City v Manchester City #LEIMCI Liverpool v West Ham United #LIVWHUManchester United v Tottenham Hotspur Southampton v MiddlesbroughSwansea City v SunderlandWatford v Everton

13 December 2016 (Matchweek 16)

(7:45pm kick-off unless stated)AFC Bournemouth v Leicester City8pm Crystal Palace v Manchester UnitedMiddlesbrough v LiverpoolSunderland v Chelsea8pm West Bromwich Albion v Swansea CityWest Ham United v Burnley


14 December 2016

(7.45pm kick-off unless stated)Everton v Arsenal8pm Manchester City v Watford8pm Stoke City v Southampton8pm Tottenham Hotspur v Hull City

17 December 2016 (Matchweek 17)

AFC. Bournemouth v SouthamptonCrystal Palace v ChelseaEverton v LiverpoolManchester City v ArsenalMiddlesbrough v Swansea CityStoke City v Leicester CitySunderland v WatfordTottenham Hotspur v BurnleyWest Bromwich Albion v Manchester UnitedWest Ham United v Hull City

26 December 2016 (Matchweek 18)

Arsenal v West Bromwich AlbionBurnley v MiddlesbroughChelsea v AFC BournemouthHull City v Manchester CityLeicester City v EvertonLiverpool v Stoke CityManchester United v SunderlandSouthampton v Tottenham HotspurSwansea City v West Ham UnitedWatford v Crystal Palace


31 December 2016 (Matchweek 19)

Arsenal v Crystal Palace #ARSCRYBurnley v Sunderland #BURSUNChelsea v Stoke City #CHESTKHull City v Everton #HULEVELeicester City v West Ham United #LEIWHULiverpool v Manchester City #LIVMCIManchester United v Middlesbrough #MUNMIDSouthampton v West Bromwich Albion #SOUWBASwansea City v AFC Bournemouth #SWABOUWatford v Tottenham Hotspur #WATTOT

2 January 2017 (Matchweek 20)

AFC Bournemouth v Arsenal #BOUARSCrystal Palace v Swansea City #CRYSWAEverton v Southampton #EVESOUManchester City v Burnley #MCIBURMiddlesbrough v Leicester City #MIDLEIStoke City v Watford #STKWATSunderland v Liverpool #SUNLIVTottenham Hotspur v Chelsea #TOTCHEWest Bromwich Albion v Hull City #WBAHULWest Ham United v Manchester United #WHUMUN


14 January 2017 (Matchweek 21)

Burnley v Southampton #BURSOUEverton v Manchester City #EVEMCIHull City v AFC Bournemouth #HULBOULeicester City v Chelsea #LEICHEManchester United v Liverpool #MUNLIVSunderland v Stoke City #SUNSTKSwansea City v Arsenal #SWAARSTottenham Hotspur v West Bromwich Albion #TOTWBAWatford v Middlesbrough #WATMIDWest Ham United v Crystal Palace #WHUCRY

21 January 2017 (Matchweek 22)

AFC Bournemouth v Watford #BOUWATArsenal v Burnley #ARSBURChelsea v Hull City #CHEHULCrystal Palace v Everton #CRYEVELiverpool v Swansea City #LIVSWAManchester City v Tottenham Hotspur #MCITOTMiddlesbrough v West Ham United #MIDWHUSouthampton v Leicester City #SOULEIStoke City v Manchester United #STKMUNWest Bromwich Albion v Sunderland #WBASUN


31 January 2017 (Matchweek 23)

(7.45pm kick-off unless stated)AFC Bournemouth v Crystal Palace #BOUCRYArsenal v Watford #ARSWATBurnley v Leicester City #BURLEI8pm Manchester United v Hull City #MUNHULMiddlesbrough v West Bromwich Albion #MIDWBASunderland v Tottenham Hotspur #SUNTOTSwansea City v Southampton #SWASOUWest Ham United v Manchester City #WHUMCI

1 February 2017

8pm Liverpool v Chelsea #LIVCHE8pm Stoke City v Everton #STKEVE

4 February 2017 (Matchweek 24)

Chelsea v Arsenal #CHEARSCrystal Palace v Sunderland #CRYSUNEverton v AFC Bournemouth #EVEBOUHull City v Liverpool #HULLIVLeicester City v Manchester United #LEIMUNManchester City v Swansea City #MCISWASouthampton v West Ham United #SOUWHUTottenham Hotspur v Middlesbrough #TOTMIDWatford v Burnley #WATBURWest Bromwich Albion v Stoke City #WBASTK


11 February 2017 (Matchweek 25)

AFC Bournemouth v Manchester City #BOUMCIArsenal v Hull City #ARSHULBurnley v Chelsea #BURCHELiverpool v Tottenham Hotspur #LIVTOTManchester United v Watford #MUNWATMiddlesbrough v Everton #MIDEVEStoke City v Crystal Palace #STKCRYSunderland v Southampton #SUNSOUSwansea City v Leicester City #SWALEIWest Ham United v West Bromwich Albion #WHUWBA

25 February 2017 (Matchweek 26)

Chelsea v Swansea City #CHESWACrystal Palace v Middlesbrough #CRYMIDEverton v Sunderland #EVESUNHull City v Burnley #HULBURNLeicester City v Liverpool #LEILIVManchester City v Manchester United #MCIMUNSouthampton v Arsenal #SOUARSTottenham Hotspur v Stoke City #TOTSTKWatford v West Ham United #WATWHUWest Bromwich Albion v AFC Bournemouth #WBABOU


4 March 2017 (Matchweek 27)

Leicester City v Hull City #LEIHULLiverpool v Arsenal #LIVARSManchester United v AFC Bournemouth #MUNBOUStoke City v Middlesbrough #STKMIDSunderland v Manchester City #SUNMCISwansea City v Burnley #SWABURTottenham Hotspur v Everton #TOTSOUWatford v Southampton #WATSOUWest Bromwich Albion v Crystal Palace #WBACRYWest Ham United v Chelsea #WHUCHE

11 March 2017 (Matchweek 28)

AFC Bournemouth v West Ham United #BOUWHUArsenal v Leicester City #ARSLEIBurnley v Liverpool #BURLIVChelsea v Watford #CHEWATCrystal Palace v Tottenham Hotspur #CRYTOTEverton v West Bromwich Albion #EVEWBAHull City v Swansea City #HULSWAManchester City v Stoke City #MCISTKMiddlesbrough v Sunderland #MIDSUNSouthampton v Manchester United #SOUMUN


18 March 2017 (Matchweek 29)

AFC Bournemouth v Swansea City #BOUSWACrystal Palace v Watford #CRYWATEverton v Hull City #EVEHULManchester City v Liverpool #MCILIVMiddlesbrough v Manchester United #MIDMUNStoke City v Chelsea #STKCHESunderland v Burnley #SUNBURTottenham Hotspur v Southampton #TOTSOUWest Bromwich Albion v Arsenal #WBAARSWest Ham United v Leicester City #WHULEI

1 April 2017 (Matchweek 30)

Arsenal v Manchester City #ARSMCIBurnley v Tottenham Hotspur #BURTOTChelsea v Crystal Palace #CHECRYHull City v West Ham United #HULWHULeicester City v Stoke City #LEISTKLiverpool v Everton #LIVEVEManchester United v West Bromwich Albion #MUNWBASouthampton v AFC Bournemouth #SOUBOUSwansea City v Middlesbrough #SWAMIDWatford v Sunderland #WATSUN


4 April 2017 (Matchweek 31)

(7.45pm kick-off unless stated)Arsenal v West Ham United #ARSWHUBurnley v Stoke City #BURSTKHull City v Middlesbrough #HULMIDLeicester City v Sunderland #LEISUN8pm Manchester United v Everton #MUNEVESwansea City v Tottenham Hotspur #SWATOTWatford v West Bromwich Albion #WATWBA

5 April 2017

(7.45pm kick-off unless stated)Chelsea v Manchester City #CHEBOU8pm Liverpool v AFC Bournemouth #LIVBOUSouthampton v Crystal Palace #SOUCRY

8 April 2017 (Matchweek 32)

AFC Bournemouth v Chelsea #BOUCHECrystal Palace v Arsenal #CRYARSEverton v Leicester City #EVELEIManchester City v Hull City #MCIHULMiddlesbrough v Burnley #MIDBURStoke City v Liverpool #STKLIVSunderland v Manchester United #SUNMUNTottenham Hotspur v Watford #TOTWATWest Bromwich Albion v Southampton #WBASOUWest Ham United v Swansea City #WHUSWA


15 April 2017 (Matchweek 33)

Crystal Palace v Leicester City #CRYLEIEverton v Burnley #EVEBURManchester United v Chelsea #MUNCHEMiddlesbrough v Arsenal #MIDARSSouthampton v Manchester City #SOUMCIStoke City v Hull City #STKHULSunderland v West Ham United #SUNWHUTottenham Hotspur v AFC Bournemouth #TOTBOUWatford v Swansea City #WATSWAWest Bromwich Albion v Liverpool #WBALIV

22 April 2017 (Matchweek 34)

AFC Bournemouth v Middlesbrough #BOUMIDArsenal v Sunderland #ARSSUNBurnley v Manchester United #BURMUNChelsea v Southampton #CHESOUHull City v Watford #HULWATLeicester City v Tottenham Hotspur #LEITOTLiverpool v Crystal Palace #LIVCRYManchester City v West Bromwich Albion #MCIWBASwansea City v Stoke City #SWASTKWest Ham United v Everton #WHUEVE


29 April 2017 (Matchweek 35)

Crystal Palace v Burnley #CRYBUREverton v Chelsea #EVECHEManchester United v Swansea City #MUNSWAMiddlesbrough v Manchester City #MIDMCISouthampton v Hull City #SOUHULStoke City v West Ham United #STKWHUSunderland v AFC Bournemouth #SUNBOUTottenham Hotspur v Arsenal #TOTARSWatford v Liverpool #WATLIVWest Bromwich Albion v Leicester City #WBALEI

6 May 2017 (Matchweek 36)

AFC Bournemouth v Stoke City #BOUSTKArsenal v Manchester United #ARSMUNBurnley v West Bromwich Albion #BURWBAChelsea v Middlesbrough #CHEMIDHull City v Sunderland #HULSUNLeicester City v Watford #LEIWATLiverpool v Southampton #LIVSOUManchester City v Crystal Palace #MCICRYSwansea City v Everton #SWAEVEWest Ham United v Tottenham Hotspur #WHUTOT


13 May 2017 (Matchweek 37)

AFC Bournemouth v Burnley #BOUBURCrystal Palace v Hull City #CRYHULEverton v Watford #EVEWATManchester City v Leicester City #MCILEIMiddlesbrough v Southampton #MIDSOUStoke City v Arsenal #STKARSSunderland v Swansea City #SUNSWATottenham Hotspur v Manchester United #TOTMUNWest Bromwich Albion v Chelsea #WBACHEWest Ham United v Liverpool #WHULIV

21 May 2017 (Matchweek 38)

Arsenal v Everton #ARSEVEBurnley v West Ham United #BURWHUChelsea v Sunderland #CHESUNHull City v Tottenham Hotspur #HULTOTLeicester City v AFC Bournemouth #LEIBOULiverpool v Middlesbrough #LIVMIDManchester United v Crystal Palace #MUNCRYSouthampton v Stoke City #SOUSTKSwansea City v West Bromwich Albion #SWAWBAWatford v Manchester City #WATMCI

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