I-League side Pune FC yesterday launched their official merchandise store to provide their fans with an easy gateway to shop online. The e-commerce platform – ‘Pune FC Official Store’, is aimed to provide fans their own ‘piece of action’ to wear and flaunt in support.
Products on offer will include a vast range of merchandise suiting men, women and children which will be available in all sizes. In addition to this, fans will also be able to buy official team jerseys to show their devotion both on and of the pitch.
The Pune FC Official Store, which can be found/accessed on the club’s official website www.punefc.com promises to have more additions in weeks to come following this launch.
Pune FC Marketing Manager, Abhishek Mehta said, “To date fans have had to be content with our merchandise sales restrict to in-stadia sales on match-days, which the club felt needed to expand into user-friendly mediums and thus the launch.”
2The e-commerce platform is a vitally important component in connecting with passionate fans.”
“We have a great range of merchandise available and we want to ensure that accessibility to this range is optimal. I’m sure that the online store will give Pune Football Club fans the opportunity to own their very-own piece of merchandise.”
The Pune FC Official Store is an in-house designed project and enables a customer to search for products via a broad range of criteria (such as type, size and colour) and product filtering to ensure clear and intuitive user paths.
“We have scheduled several exciting offers to help fans own their own Pune FC merchandise… wait and watch,” added Mehta.
The official merchandise store can be reached under www.punefcstore.com/