Pune FC have launched a first ever Futsal competition called "The Futsal Cup 2015". The tournament is an inter-school Under-12 Invitational five-a-side football tournament for which an astonishing 48 teams have applied. The tournament will begin from the July 27th in Balewadi.
The main motive of the tournament is to promote the football at the grassroots in kids who could benefit from such tournaments as the level of competition will be quite high. Schools from every corner of the city have been sent invites for the first of its like tournament.
A team is allowed to register 10 players, with playing at one point of time. With more than 400 players set to light up the tournament, it is going to become one of the biggest ever arranged for players of that age in India.
There is one very important and interesting rule that the teams will have to follow during the tournament of registering 3 U-10 players in their 10-man squad, with one of the three players playing during the game. The rule completely goes with the official slogan of the Cup “Seeding Future Stars.”
Rules of the tournament
The teams will be divided into 16 groups with each group consisting of three teams. As such each team will play a minimum of two matches with the group winner will qualify for the Round of 16. The tournament will then follow an elimination routine with the winners qualifying for the quarters, semi’s and eventually the finals to be held on the July 31st.
Pune FC Head Operations, Chirag Tanna, talked about the tournament stating, “It’s the first year of The Futsal Cup. We have planned it in a format which will make it fun for all the kids who will be involved as well as provide the right amount of competitiveness to the schools.”
“We are eagerly looking forward to the tournament and hope it provides a right platform for budding youngsters to showcase their talent.”
Brainmap Corps Hub (Knowledge Partner), Get-A-Game (Outreach Partner), Relispray (Relief Partner), Toonz (Styling Partner), Adlabs Imagica (Entertainment Partner), Fruit Shoot (Beverage Partner), Star Hospitals (Medical Partner), Rolls Mania (Refreshment Partner), Freekick Turfs (Pune FC Soccer Schools Partner) and PCMC local hyper-local portal MyPimpriChinchwad.com (Digital Partner) are the official partners of Pune FC of this extraordinary tournament.