Racing Santader’s Cope del Rey encounter with Real Sociedad was suspended on Thursday with the Santader players refusing to play at home after the home players after not being paid for several months.
The players have not been paid for various months, despite the promises of payment from the president and had threatened to boycott the quarter-final second leg unless club president Ángel Lavín and his board stepped down.
“We have had things clear in our minds since Monday and we have showed tonight we are a team. We hope things get sorted out because we just want to get back to playing and try to make Racing the best it can be.
“We hope there are no legal consequences because we have done this for the good of football, for the good of a city and for the whole of Spain because there are lots of similar cases and we wanted to set an example.”
The boycott meant a 3-1 win for Real Sociedad who were the winners in the first leg as they now advance to face Barcelona in the semi-final.