Today we start with the workouts for the defender position.
#1 The importance of warming up

Defense by definition is the thin line between victory and defeat for any team. Able to bear the brunt of the countless waves of attack, the defenders are players who basically put their bodies in line for their team day in and day out.
It thus becomes really important that you hone your body so that it becomes the perfect mix of speed, stamina and strength.
A defender is the trouble shooter for the team and can be prove to be the player whom the opposition fears the most.
Our series of workouts help you do just that and prepare you to overcome any and every obstacle that you may face during the game.
#2 The Warm-up exercises

We start with the warm up since this prepares your muscles for the rigors of the workouts ahead.
A warm up is all the more important since it not only gives your muscles flexibility and basic strength but also shields your body from injuries during a game
Number of Exercises: 4
Time Duration: 20 Minutes for the entire set
No. of Reps: Mentioned Ahead
#3 The Glute Bridges

Target Muscles: Glutes, Hamstrings, Lower Back ,Knees and Ankles
A strong lower body is the foundation that a midfielder works on. Twists, turns, stepover, dribbles and pin point passes are the bread and butter of a midfielder and having a strong lower body helps you play and perform better on the field.
The basic steps to this exercise are:
Step 1: Loop the resistance band through each hand and then stretch it across your stomach. Lie down flat on the ground, place both your hands beside your body with the palms pressed down on the ground.
Step 2: Fold your knees so that the sole of both your feet are now flat on the ground.
Step 3: While keeping your palms flat, push your groin area up in the air. This will cause the resistance band to stretch. Pause at the maximum possible height. Make sure that the weight of your body lies on your lower back and your legs.
Step 4: Lower your body back into the position it was at Step 2.
Step 5: Repeat the above four steps.
You have to do ten reps and a total of four sets.
Breathing: Inhale while going up and exhale while going down.
Levels: Pausing for longer durations while at the maximum possible height will help make this exercise a little more difficult.
#4 Alternate Ankle, Calves and Hamstring Stretches

Target Muscles: Ankles, Calves and Hamstrings
The lower body is built upon your ankles, calves and hamstrings. If you do not try and strengthen these particular lower body parts, there is a high possibility that you may not be able to shield your body against the injuries that are a part and parcel of being a defender.
The basic steps to this exercise are:
Step 1: Lie down flat your stomach. Now push your body up on your hands and legs as if trying to do a push.
Step 2: Push your groin region up and try and form a inverted ‘V’ with your body (As shown in the image).
Step 3: Now fold one knee so that it rests on the toe. This will cause the other leg to stretch. Keep alternating back and forth between both legs.
You need to do a total of four rounds of twenty stretches for each leg.
Breathing: Inhale and exhale with the rhythm with which you are alternating between each leg.
Levels: Stretching each foot as hard as you can, this will help you increase the level of the exercise.
#5 The Plank Hold with One Leg Hold Till Fail

Target Muscles: Core, Abs and the entire abdominal region.
A personal favorite of every person trying to work on that ‘Six Pack’ look, the plank hold is a very basic exercise which helps maximize the strength of your core and your abdominal region.
The basic steps to this exercise are:
Step 1: Lie down flat on your stomach.
Step 2: Push your body up so that the upper region rests on your elbows (as if trying to read a book) and the lower body on your toes. Spread your legs slightly for better balance.
Step 3: Try and hold one leg up in the air. Hold this position for as long as you can. Remember to not let your body sag in the middle. The perfect posture for this exercise is one where your spinal cord is absolutely straight. Keep your eyes on the ground and concentrate on keeping your abdominal muscles as tight as you can.
Step 4: Repeat the above 3 steps, just alternate the leg you hold up in air.
This exercise helps tighten your abdominal muscles as well as gives you a rock strong core.
You need to hold on to this position for a minimum of 30 to 45 seconds in each round.
Breathing: Inhale and exhale as deeply as possible, try and keep your abdominal muscles as tense as possible.
Levels: To increase the level of this exercise try and hold the position for as long as possible.
#6 The Max hold Hollow Rock

Target Muscles: Core, Abs and the entire abdominal region.
This particular exercise helps you strengthen your core & abs as well as helps you work on your lower back too.
The basic steps to this exercise are:
Step 1: Lie down flat on your stomach.
Step 2: Push your arms and legs in the as if trying to form a boat like posture with your body (As seen in the image)
Step 3: Try and hold this position for as long as possible.
This exercise helps tighten your abdominal muscles as well as gives you a rock strong core.
You need to hold on to this position for a minimum of 30 to 45 seconds in each round.
Breathing: Inhale and exhale as deeply as possible, try and keep your abdominal muscles as tense as possible.
Levels: To increase the level of this exercise try and hold the position for as long as possible.