#1 The importance of muscular strength

The next set of exercises help develop the muscular strength required to stand tall and strong amongst the 22 players on the field. As a goal keeper it is particularly important that no one outmuscles you, because this would lead to a definite goal-scoring opportunity for the opposition.
Make sure that you do these exercises religiously, and we promise the returns will be greater than the investments!
#2 The Muscular Strength Workout

Number of Exercises: 3
Time Duration: 20 minutes for the entire set
No. of Reps: Mentioned Ahead
#3 The Push Up

Target Muscles: Chest, Arms, Back and Shoulders
This movement helps develop a range of upper body muscles and it does so using an individual’s body weight.
This exercise has two basic steps:
Step 1: Assume the push-up position, keep your hands at shoulder width and your legs slightly apart (helps maintain balance).
Lower your body till your chest touches the ground. Remember not to let your body sag in the middle; tighten your stomach and your abs.
Step 2: Push back up to the initial position.
Breathing: Exhale while going down; tighten your stomach while exhaling (which essentially means you breathe using your stomach). Inhale deeply while going back up.
Levels: To increase the difficulty, increase the reps in each set and the speed of each rep. Do this exercise faster, longer and harder for better results.
#4 The Side Plank Hold

Target Muscles: Core, Abs and the entire abdominal region.
The side plank hold is the first variation to the normal front plank hold.
The basic steps to this exercise are:
Step 1: Lie down on the side of your body
Step 2: Push your body up so that the upper region rests on your elbows and the lower body on the side of your foot. Hold a two kg dumbbell in the hand not resting on the floor and hoist it straight up as shown in the image.
Step 3: Hold this position for as long as you can. Remember to not let your body sag in the middle. The perfect posture for this exercise is one where your spinal cord is absolutely straight
Step 4: Turn towards the other side and repeat this step.
Step 5: Repeat the above 3 steps.
You need to hold on to this position till the time you can’t prop yourself up anymore. The longer you hold, the stronger your core becomes.
Breathing: Inhale and exhale as deeply as possible, and try and keep your abdominal muscles as tense as possible.
Levels: To increase the level of this exercise try and hold the position for as long as possible.
#5 The Front Squat

Target Muscles: Arms, Hamstrings, Quads and Shoulders
The basic movement is that of the squat; the difference is that you have to lift up heavy weights while doing this exercise.
The basic steps are as follows:
Step 1: Stand with your legs slightly apart and hold a 5 kg dumbbell in each hand. Hoist the dumbbell on your shoulders (as depicted in the image).
Step 2: Lower your body as if sitting down on a chair, and stop this motion the moment your thigh is parallel to the ground and your butt is in line with your knees.
Step 3: Push back up to your initial position.
The squat when combined with the weights helps you strengthen your core and also helps you achieve better balance.
Your set gets over the moment you have done at least 10 squats; you have to do three sets of this exercise.
Breathing: Inhale while going down and exhale while going back up.
Levels: The best way to increase the level is to do each rep as slowly as possible; also, remember to breathe in and out as deep as you can while doing each rep.