India’s star striker Robin Singh has been ruled out of the remaining of the ongoing SAFF Suzuki Cup. Singh suffered a leg injury while guiding the national team to a victory against Sri Lanka on Friday and is set to miss the rest of the matches in the tournament which is being hosted by India. The Delhi Dynamos striker scored a brace against the island nation before being substituted due to the injury.
The 25-year-old injured himself while scoring his second goal of the match, which was his fourth for the national team in a total of 25 appearances. He was not part of the Indian team which trumped Nepal 4-1 in the second group stage match of the SAFF championship. However, the scoreline does not shed light on how duly the Indian team missed the services of their number 9 and his physicality.
The likes of Chhetri and Bikash Jairu didn’t provide any kind of aerial threat in the box which made things all the more difficult for India as they had to play their way into the Nepal penalty box. However, 18-year-old Lallianzuala, who was just playing his second match for the team went on to score a late brace to hand the Men in Blue a very important victory.
Singh has represented East Bengal and Bengaluru FC
The Noida-born player was in scintillating form for the Indian Super League franchise Delhi Dynamos as he scored four goals for them in thirteen appearances. He also plays for I-League side Bengaluru FC, with whom he won the I-League in 2014 and also the Federation Cup in 2015.
Previously, the striker represented East Bengal FC and scored 10 goals for them in 41 matches. He also scored a brilliant goal aginst Guam last month in a 2018 FIFA World Cup qualifier match.
The Indian team is set to face Maldives in the semifinals of the tournament on Thursday, with Afghanistan, the defending champions locking horns with Nepal in the other semi-final match on the same day. The final of the tournament will be played on the 3rd of January in Thiruvananthapuram.