Pratesh Shirodkar has been voted by his club team mates as the Sporting Club de Goa player of the season, while Stephene Barretto was voted the SCG young player (Under-23) of the season.”The fact that the award was voted by team mates, makes it extra special. I want to thank them and look forward to working even harder next season,” said Pratesh Shirodkar, who joined the club from Sesa Football Academy at the beginning of the season.
Sporting Clube de Goa’s top goal scorer for the second season running, African Ogba Kalu Nnanna, finished in second place with 17 votes, one less then Pratesh. Kalu very sportingly presented the winner’s award to colleague Pratesh, while striker Dawson Fernandes took third place with 11 votes.
Meanwhile, Stephene Barretto was voted as the SCG young player of the year ahead of Dawson and Pratesh who were tied in second place with 10 votes each.
“I want to thank the president Peter Vaz for keeping faith in the young Goan players and also my team mates and coaches for their support,” stated Stephene.
Yesterday morning a special mass was held at Don Bosco High School, Panjim where all the players and the club management was present.
The awards ceremony was organised to reward and recognize the player’s achievements over the season gone by. The players had the opportunity to have a laugh and a joke over lunch, before they go on a much-deserved summer break. The senior team will be back in training in the first week of July for the new season.