The dark side of Indian Football has revealed itself one more time as three I-League players and one of their friends were accused of raping a 14 year old girl in Kolkata. According to police reports, East Bengal’s Jagpreet Singh and Baldeep Singh and Prayag United’s Yashpal Parmer are the three footballers who have allegedly committed this crime yesterday afternoon at a flat in the Nager Bazar area, Dumdum.
Police investigation revealed that Rabi Singh (Jagpreet’s cook, as revealed by the media and police) was the mastermind behind this plan. Yesterday, Rabi brought the girl up to the flat and he was the first person to rape the girl. After that, all the three footballers also allegedly raped the girl. Last night, the girl (name still unknown) with her father Jitendra Singh lodged a complaint in the Dumdum Police Station. The police captured Yashpal Parmer and Baldeep Singh from their South City flat and the others are still at large. Today, the police are going to present the duo in the Barasat Court.
Jagpreet came in Kolkata in this season after Churchill released him. Yaspal Parmer is also an East Bengal player, who came from Salgaocar. But he got his release papers from the club one week ago.
After news of this horrible incident came into the limelight, it spread like wildfire. East Bengal official Debabrata Sarkar in his statement said that whatever action the police want to take against Jagpreet, the club will also support it. He did not make any statement about Yashpal Parmer as he has been released by the club one week ago.