A few hours after Sportskeeda revealed about Rendezvous Sports World Private Limited’s tie-up with Mohun Bagan, the Mumbai-based company removed the announcements which they had previously made on their official Facebook and Twitter pages.
Sportskeeda caught up with Mohun Bagan’s assistant general secretary Srinjoy Bose to get an insight about the whole situation and he explained that the announcement of the tie-up by Rendezvous Sports World was premature.
“Many Indian Super League bidders have approached us for a tie-up but we have held advanced talks with Rendezvous Sports World. However the tie-up has not been finalised yet so any such announcement by them was premature and I believe that has been removed already,” Bose told Sportskeeda.
But at the time of writing, images and content of Mohun Bagan still appeared on Rendezvous Sports World’s official website with the Kolkata club being referred to as ‘Rendezvous Mohun Bagan AC’ instead of their official name ‘McDowell Mohun Bagan AC’.
Bose clarified that the potential tie-up will only be for the ISL and any such reference of Mohun Bagan’s name with Rendezvous Sports World is incorrect.
“Let me clear up that UB group are our title sponsors so any reference besides McDowell Mohun Bagan is completely wrong. If this tie-up happens, it will only be for the three-month period of the ISL and not beyond that. Of course through any tie-up both parties should be mutually benefitted but it’s too early to disclose the details although I can tell you that they have approached us for technical help,” Bose stated.