George Best needs no introduction and neither does his beard.
‘Bestie’ as he was popularly known, won European Cups, nutmegged Johan Cruyff, drank like there was no tomorrow and wooed the most beautiful models, all while sporting an ultra-cool beard.
The beard was so natural that it was more the result of an unkempt and lazy attitude and less the result of styling.
Known as the greatest player to ever don a Northern Ireland jersey, Best had pace, acceleration, balance, two-footedness, goal-scoring and the ability to beat defenders and go past them at will. Combined with his charisma, Best became the first true celebrity footballer, even before David Beckham arrived on the scene.
Best though fell victim to alcoholism, a battle that he fought throughout much of his life, but of which he ended up on the losing side.
He died in 2005 at the age of 59 due to complications from the immunosuppressive drugs that he had been advised to take. He was remembered at his funeral by mourners as “the beautiful boy with a beautiful game”.
You can add “beautiful beard” to that.