#4 The Football Republic
Number four on our list of best Youtube football channels is ‘The Football Republic’ which combines some great original content mixed in with a lot of funnies. Still a very young channel, TFR was launched in June 2015 and already has 294,777 subscribers and 62,009,336 views. What sets this UK channel apart is its unique take on the football world.
They have some great categories, or as they term it, ‘shows’ that provide a funny perspective on the sport and its fans. The best feature of TFR is their series called ‘Every Football Fan in 90 seconds’ which is hilarious and spot-on. Lloyd Griffith, the host, goes through the expected reactions of every Premier League club fan after each gameweek and he’s almost always right with humorous results.
They have some other good shows as well, like ‘Top 10’ where they review everything from stupid on-field mistakes to the most ridiculous transfer bids, ‘The Rumour Rater’ where the most popular transfer rumours are dissected and analysed.
What’s even better is their series called ‘A Game of Two Halves’ where they invite other Youtube channel hosts to discuss issues and topics pertinent to the sport. Check out ArsenalFanTV’s Robbie and Stephen Howson from Full Time Devils talk it out as they decide who the most over-rated manager is at present.