With all the coverage the U.S. vs Mexico game received on Tuesday night, there are likely a number of things you missed.
Here are four things you likely missed, but definitely need to see.
This first video is of US fans at Estadio Azteca on Tuesday night after the final whistle. They are being pelted by all sorts of objects as they wait to be escorted from the stadium. It’s also worth noting that in all of these videos, the US fans are not exactly improving international relations (there’s plenty of unsavory language).
I found these next two videos via Josh Deaver (@USFootballGuy on Twitter).
The first is of US fans leaving Azteca shouting “This is our house!”
The second is also of US fans leaving Azteca absolutely surrounded by riot police. And with all the smack talking they were doing (a lot of it poor attempts at cursing in Spanish), it was a good thing there were that many police officers around. My favorite chant is at the end–”You’re not going to Brazil!”
And finally, Yahoo Sports’ blog Dirty Tackle published Clint Dempsey’s new team rules as he took over responsibilities as team captain (This is obviously satire–and terrific).
1) Shut your mouth.
2) Every member of the team must develop a unique facial expression that can both mock and intimidate the opposition at the same time. (Menacing scrunch face is already taken.)
3) All beefs within the team will be settled with rap battles.
4) Do work or go lurk.
5) Burrito Bar Tuesdays will be happening.
6) The captain decides what music is played in the dressing room. If you request Bon Jovi, you will get a Bon Beating.
7) If Liverpool say they will sign you, do not believe them.
8) Snitches get stitches.