Cristiano Ronaldo is a famous man, of that there is no doubt. While many would love to trade lives with the Real Madrid superstar, the Portuguese striker showed the downside of his fame in a recent video, as he was mobbed by photo-seekers when he attempted to get tea with a friend.
Despite being a promotional video for ROC heaphones, Ronaldo gave us a glimpse into his life, as the Portuguese’s star sat down to get some chamomile tea with his friend, an unsurprisingly healthy choice. Titled ‘Tea vs Photo’, the video pits the number of sips of tea Ronaldo is able to take, versus the amount of times he is asked for a photo.
Not even moments after taking his first sip, the Real Madrid star is asked for a photo, which he cheerfully obliges. The 2nd sip of tea is followed by another request for a photo, while Ronaldo quips “They’re probably wondering – is he normally this nice?”
A steady stream of photo seekers follows, including workers from a nearby fragrance store, and Cristiano, ever the businessman, inquires if the store carries his fragrance ‘Cristiano Ronaldo Legacy’, to which the negative answer has Ronaldo bemoaning the mediocre job his suppliers are doing.
Pretty soon, it is obvious that Ronaldo will struggle to finish his tea, as he takes over 50 photos while only managing 4 sips of his rapidly cooling beverage. As the Portuguese striker deals good-naturedly with photo-seekers who ask for a picture even as he’s leaving, one is readily able to understand the pitfalls of fame.
However, despite the photo-heavy outcome, Ronaldo is rather happy with his lot in life, noting as he drives back that the fact that so many people still want to take a picture with him is a ‘good signal’ that he is a ‘good player’.