The draw of the prestigious West Asian Football Championship (WAFF) was held at Qatari Capitol, Doha on Monday. The eighth edition of the WAFF Championship will be held from 25 December 2013 to 7 January 2014 at Doha, Qatar.
Below are the results of the draw.
Group A
- Qatar
- Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- Palestine
Group B
- Iraq
- Oman
- Bahrain
Group C
- Kuwait
- Jordan
- Lebanon
- Yemen
Mr. Saoud Al Mohannadi, the Secretary General of Qatar Football Association (QFA) and the Director of the Championship along with Mr. Fadi Rizaiqat, the WAFF Secretary General were present in the draw ceremony.
10 out of 13 WAFF members are taking part in the championship.
Edited by Staff Editor