The Simpsons released their first season
Long running satirical comedy series, “The Simpsons” was first aired on television in the year 1990. The series is in its 27th season now, showing no signs of stopping. With Liverpool showing signs of life under manager Jurgen Klopp, can the same be said about Liverpool’s Premier League drought?
The World Wide Web was just being launched
European inventor, Tim Berners-Lee launched the first webpage ever, giving birth to the World Wide Web, a forum we now take for granted. To put Liverpool’s achievement in perspective, the size of the Internet now is around 45 billion pages. The web has grown 45 billion times since Liverpool last managed a league title.
The Global Positioning system and Hubble Space Telescope were launched
Akin to Liverpool’s trophy drought, the Global Positioning System and the Hubble Space telescope are taken for granted these days. The GPS is of great utility to everyone from delivery boys to corporates and pilots.
The Hubble Space Telescope has given us glorious pictures of the universe, as Liverpool have gone on to become picture-perfect representations of the slip-up.
Mr. Bean made his television debut
Rowan Atkinson comedy series, “Mr. Bean” was released in 1990. The comedy series was a hit across the world and ran for five years before ending in 1995. Atkinson then starred in a couple of movies portraying the famous character as well.
J.K. Rowling started writing the Harry Potter series
British author J.K. Rowling started writing the Harry Potter series in 1990. The first book was published in 1995 and the series ended with the Deathly Hallows in 2007. An entire generation born in the nineties grew up on the series, evolving as the books and characters evolved.
A generation on Merseyside has grown up in a different way, on stories of past successes without watching their club triumph in England and will be hoping for some wizardry or dark arts for their club to finally win the top flight.