East Bengal is participating in the prestigious AFC Cup for a record seventh time, the highest by any Indian team. In 2004, the Kolkata giants took part in the competition for the first time and delivered a commendable performance by reaching the quarter finals. In the next season, they again qualified for AFC Cup only to be knocked out from the group stage. After that, they participated in 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012 and the results were no different. This year, the Kolkata giants started the tournament with a bang. They won their first match of the group, defeating Selangor F.C. of Malaysia 1-0, and held Sai Gon Xuan Thanh of Vietnam for a draw, to rank second in the group currently. East Bengal are raising hopes of the fans to qualify for the round of sixteen as they stand comfortably in the group.
Although East Bengal is performing well in this edition of AFC Cup, the lack of importance accorded to this tournament is visible among the team management. AFC Cup has always been neglected by the officials. They are happy with domestic glory. This season is no exception, as the coach is pressurized to field the top eleven in the domestic league and IFA shield, and as a result, a fatigued team has to play the AFC matches.
The coach is not answerable for the AFC results but for the domestic tournaments. The highly esteemed Asian competition is neglected by the officials as well as the fans. This is proved by the very low turn up in the home matches of the AFC Cup. Fans are more eager to watch the team lift domestic trophies than perform commendably in AFC Cup.
Not to forget, just 10 years back the Kolkata club won the highly prestigious ASEAN Cup, a South East Asian club championship in Jakarta, Indonesia. They defeated BEC Tero Sasana F.C. in the finals, the then runner-up of AFC Champions League. The victory was historical from Indian football’s perspective, as it was the first ever international tournament won by an Indian club.
Participating in an international tournament and performing is essential for the benefit of Indian football. The day East Bengal became ASEAN Cup champions, fans saw the chief sponsors of the club, Dr. Vijay Mallya grabbing the trophy like a baby and rejoicing with the team. Such visuals are rare in Indian football, where the sponsors come to the football ground to encourage their team. This proves that business houses or the investors are encouraged when they see their company name flaunted at the international arena.
The likes of Dempo Sports Club and Mahindra United have shown us earlier that AFC Cup can be given importance even after performing well in the domestic tournaments. Dempo Sports Club reached the semifinals of AFC Cup in 2008. Mahindra United too reached the quarter final stage of the AFC Cup.
AFC Cup home matches are to be organised by the host team as per AFC rules. Most of the Indian clubs, including the Kolkata giants, do not have enough money to host the matches in an organised manner. This lack of finance is reflected in the interest of the officials as well as players when the participate in the tournament.
Remembering the ASEAN Cup winning days, the fans as well as the officials must grow interest for the AFC cup. East Bengal fans will look forward to the performance of their team against Tampines Rovers F.C. later today in Singapore and hope their team emerges victorious and possibly qualify for the latter stages.