The Western Indian Football Association (Maharashtra) is set to organise the Rovers Cup next year, with the help of their new marketing partners Sporting Ace, after years of trying to revive the tournament. The last Rovers Cup had been held in December 2000/January 2001, with 14 time record Champions Mohun Bagan AC winning the final 2-0 against Churchill Brothers SC, through goals from Jayanta Sen and Dulal Biswas.
The Rovers Cup is being revived in 2013, with a record Rs 1 crore (10 Million) as prize money. The date is also set, with the tournament slated to be played from July 27 to August 11, 2013 at the then refurbished Cooperage ground, which is set to open by the end of this year.
The organisers are set to invite I-League sides and foreign teams for a new start to the once prestigious Rovers Cup.