#2 He lacks Ronaldo's drive and leadership qualities

Cristiano Ronaldo's obsession with winning is one of the vital qualities that sets him apart from his peers.
No matter how low he might fall, he has the required drive and an almost unquenchable thirst to claw back and be the best in games, something that also makes him a leader worth having in any team.
Lionel Messi unfortunately seems miles behind Ronaldo in that department. The Barcelona forward appears to be a beaten man on numerous occasions when his team is trailing. He finds it hard to lift the spirits of his subordinates when they are feeling low during games - a duty Ronaldo carries out to perfection.
Lionel Messi isn't a born leader like Cristiano. He doesn't even need to prove himself as a great general in order to be counted amongst the best in the sport.
However, if he desires to cement a place in the hearts of his countrymen by winning an international title, he needs to leave his introvert persona behind, follow his nemesis to inculcate his leadership abilities, and moreover find the drive to churn out the required results.