Interesting things are happening in the Fortnite item shop today. All the Icon Series emotes have made it back to the item shop, along with a few other popular cosmetics.
Emotes are certain move sets that are based on dance moves popularized by pop culture icons and musicians. Players can usually be seen emoting in the lobby or in-game after eliminating a player. Although these emotes are fun, people don't necessarily like being emoted on after being eliminated.
What's new in the Fortnite item shop today?
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As mentioned before, the entire set of Icon Series emotes has made it back to the item shop. Players can get their hands on these emotes for 500 V-Bucks each.
From Gangnam Style to Tootsie Slide, users can find all these emotes in the Fortnite item shop.

From the looks of it, it's mostly an emote fest in the Fortnite item shop because the majority of the cosmetics are just emotes. Having said that, there are a few other skin bundles available as well.

Aloy, her trusted spear, and her glider, the Glinthawk, are available in the Fortnite item shop as well. Players can purchase the entire Aloy bundle for 2,600 V-Bucks for now, before the price shoots up again.

The Major Lazer bundle has also made a comeback to the Fortnite item shop. Like the Aloy bundle, the Major Lazer bundle can also be purchased for 2,400 V-Bucks. It comes with a skin, a pickaxe, and a glider.

The pack also includes two emotes and two music packs, and it is a true steal deal in its current guise.
While the previous two bundles are popular within the community, there are three more sets available in the Fortnite item shop today that aren't that famous with the community.

The Mecha Team Leader set can be found in the Fortnite item shop, along with skins belonging to the Snowclan set. There are eight different skins from the Permafrost set as well.
All these items are available in the Fortnite item shop and will most likely rotate out very soon.