What is the lore behind Metal Team Leader in Fortnite?
There is no lore that ties Metal Team Leader to the storyline of Fortnite. She has played no significant part aside from being featured on the island as an NPC for three consecutive seasons back in Chapter 3. She is a snapshot of the OG character known as Cuddle Team Leader. However, unlike her, Metal Team Leader is completely chromed out and void of any color. This is due to the fact that she is likely entirely made of metal, and could be an android. This is reflected in her official in-game description reads, “Totally metal.”
What are the cosmetic items related to Metal Team Leader in Fortnite?
Metal Team Leader is part of the Royale Hearts Set. It includes numerous cosmetic items, such as: Cuddle Team Leader (Outfit), Cuddle Team Leader (LEGO Outfit), Fallen Love Ranger (Outfit), Fallen Love Ranger (LEGO Outfit + Selectable Styles), Heartbreaker (Outfit), Heartbreaker (LEGO Outfit + Selectable Styles), Love Ranger (Outfit), Love Ranger (LEGO Outfit + Selectable Styles), Metal Team Leader (Outfit), Metal Team Leader (LEGO Outfit + Selectable Styles), Snuggs (Outfit), Snuggs (LEGO Outfit + Selectable Styles), Stoneheart (Outfit), Stoneheart (LEGO Outfit + Selectable Styles), Bundles (Outfit + Reactive), and Bundles (LEGO Outfit).
Royale Hearts Set also includes numerous other cosmetic items, such as: Bear Force One (Glider), Broken Heart (Back Bling), Chocollama (Pickaxe), Cuddle Bow (Back Bling), Cuddle Cruiser (Glider), Cuddle Paw (Pickaxe), Cupid's Dagger (Pickaxe), Fallen Wings (Back Bling), Gwinny (Back Bling), Heartspan (Glider), Love Wings (Back Bling), Snuggle Swiper (Pickaxe), Sweetheart (Back Bling), Tat Axe (Pickaxe), Warning Bow (Back Bling), and Wings of Love (Back Bling).
Additional cosmetic items that are also part of the Royale Hearts Set are: Cuddle Camo (Item Wrap), Cuddle Team Hula (Spray), Cuddle Up (Emoticon), Cuddly (Emoticon), Fallen Love Ranger (Spray), Hearts (Contrail), Kiss Kiss (Emote), Love Ranger (Emoticon), Love Ranger (Spray), Snuggs Shine (Item Wrap + Animated), and True Love (Emote).
Should you buy Metal Team Leader in Fortnite?
Should you buy Metal Team Leader in Fortnite? If you own other snapshots of Cuddle Team Leader, then you should get Metal Team Leader as well. Despite it being void of color, the chrome/metal looks great as well. It would look great alongside other characters such as Mecha Team Leader and even Metal Mouth. You will also be able to use the character while exploring new LEGO Fortnite seeds.
When was Metal Team Leader last seen in Fortnite and when will it be available?
Metal Team Leader was last seen in the Fortnite Item Shop on August 16, 2024. It was first listed on January 10, 2021 and has been featured 13 different times on 11 different days. Check in to the Fortnite Item Shop Tomorrow to see if it has been listed again. You can also check out a list of cosmetics that appeared in the Fortnite Item Shop yesterday to see if you missed out on anything good.