What is the lore behind the Never Give Up! in Fortnite?
There is no lore behind Never Give Up! in Fortnite, but it is a very well known catchphrase of the most family friendly content creators: Nicholas Amyoony, better known as Nick Eh 30. He has been part of the Metaverse since the early days and is loved by the community through and through. On June 16, 2024, Epic Games officially released his Icon Series Outfit and other cosmetics associated with him. One of them being Never Give Up! Emoticon. Its official in-game description reads, “Express yourself on the battlefield.” While most Emoticons are not that sought after, this one is rather popular. This is owing to the fact that Nick Eh 30 uses this catchphrase quite often during his livestreams.
What are the cosmetic items related to Never Give Up! in Fortnite?
Never Give Up! is part of the Nick Eh 30 Set. It includes numerous cosmetic items, such as: Nick Eh 30 (Outfit + Selectable Styles + Reactive), Nick Eh 30 (LEGO Outfit), Never Back Down (Back Bling + Reactive), Eh Crown (Pickaxe), You Think You're The King? (Emote), Never Give Up! (Emoticon), King Eh 30 (Spray), Eh Theme (Item Wrap + Reactive), and Never Back Down (Lobby Track).
Can you buy the Never Give Up! in Fortnite?
Can you buy the Never Give Up! in Fortnite? Unfortunately, you cannot buy the Never Give Up! Emote from the Fortnite Item Shop. Although it is part of the Nick Eh 30 Set, the Never Give Up! Emoticon has not been listed in the Item Shop. It could only be obtained by ranking high enough in the Nick Eh 30 Cup on June 12, 2024. It was also the first cosmetic item that was obtainable through TikTok. If you are a fan of Nick Eh 30, you would want this Emoticon in your in-game locker for sure. That said, it could be added to the Nick Eh 30 Bundle in the near future. Keep in mind that you cannot use it while exploring new LEGO Fortnite seeds.
When was the Never Give Up! last seen in Fortnite and when will it be available?
Never Give Up! Has never been listed in the Fortnite Item Shop. As such, you will not find this cosmetic listed in the Fortnite Item Shop Tomorrow. However, you can still check out a list of cosmetics that appeared in the Fortnite Item Shop yesterday to see if you missed out on anything good.