Fortnite surveys have revealed a lot of upcoming skins in the past. In 2022, two extensive surveys showcased some characters before they were even released into the game, such as Meow Skulls and Evie.
The first batch of leaked Fortnite skins was released in May and included more than 50 skins. Some of them have been released to the Item Shop and have even been included in the Battle Pass. However, several skins are yet to come into the game.
The May survey revealed the design of a couple of Chapter 3 Season 3 Battle Pass skins. The latest survey, which came out in August, also showed a couple of skins before their release.
Thanks to these surveys by Epic Games, we now have a long list of skins that will come out at some point. Considering that Epic releases the most survey skins within a few months of their first reveal, we can expect all the revealed skins to come out by the end of Chapter 3 Season 5.
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Fortnite surveys have revealed upcoming skins
The first Fortnite survey revealed many important characters released with the Chapter 3 Season 3 Battle Pass. The first skin in the survey was Evie, one of the most popular skins in the last Battle Pass.
The survey also included Adira, Malik, and Snap. Several skins from the first survey have also come to the Item Shop, such as the summer version of Raz and Medley, and one skin has been used for the Sapphire Hagiri pack.

While many of these skins came out during Chapter 3 Season 3, it's interesting that the May survey also included Meow Skulls, a popular character from the current Battle Pass. Besides her, the Herald, Grizz, and Bytes have also come with the launch of the new season.
The latest Fortnite survey was released in August, shortly before the release of Chapter 3 Season 4. Surprisingly, not a single character from it has been released with the new Battle Pass.

Considering that the Fortnite survey from May revealed characters released during the third and fourth seasons of the current chapter, the August survey probably showcased the skins that will be released in Seasons 5 and 6.
The latest survey showcases Geno, the founder of the Imagined Order. Considering that he is one of the most important characters in Fortnite lore, we expect Epic Games to release him at some point.
Meow Skulls is one of the most interesting characters
When Meow Skulls was seen in the survey, many players believed it was Meowscles, a popular character first released in Chapter 2 Season 2. However, it turns out that this is Meowscles' sister.
The character seems to be going through a goth phase and has the full support of her brother. This can be seen from how she interacts with Meowscles, who can be found west of the Reality Tree.

Kit is Meowscles' son, which means that Meow Skulls is his aunt. As of now, the only thing that Fortnite players need to find out is who Kit's mom is. There are many theories that it's Lynx, but nothing has been confirmed yet.