Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1 has just recently arrived. It's less than a month old, which means most gamers have barely made progress on the battle pass. This season, there are 14 pages of rewards as opposed to ten in the last few seasons. That makes unlocking all the rewards a bit more challenging.
Earning XP is the only way to level up on the battle pass, making it the only way to unlock rewards on the battle pass. Unfortunately, weekly challenges, which are effectively the best way to earn XP, are not too reliable.

That's especially true this season, where the challenges are locked to the week they're released in. By the time Week 5 rolls around, Week 4's challenges will be gone.
Master the game with our Fortnite Interactive Map v33.00 here!
That makes alternative methods even more crucial. Save the World has been a godsend for many gamers, but even it pales in comparison to one way: Fortnite Creative XP maps. These have long been used as a key way to level up quickly.
XP maps in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1 for quick leveling up
Many maps award hundreds of thousands of XPs in a mere seconds. Here's a look at three such maps in Chapter 4 Season 1:
1) Code: 3303-7480-5925
Once inside this map, find the elevator, and enter the second floor. From there, you will see a tree straight in front of you. Sprint and jump so that you land on top of this tree. The next step is to mantle on to the cylindrical wall to the right of the tree.
Mantle again to get yourself on top of the building. Go off the building to the back, and continue straight till you find XP devices set up behind the island. Get on the one on the right, and begin jumping. Every jump awards XP.
For a full guide, check this article out.
2) Code: 1004-5222-9786
In this map, there's an AFK XP button. You will need to interact with it, and it can be found on the pumpkin in the northwest section of the map. Another button can be found on a pumpkin in the northeast section.
You may also wait ten minutes and build ten floors beside the pumpkin in the southeastern section of the map. That will put you in a secret room, where there are two buttons. Interact with both of them for maximum Fortnite XP.
For a full guide, check out this article.
3) Code: 5252-1751-0646
This map, courtesy of Glitch King, is one of the best for XP for multiple reasons. For starters, it can grant a ton in a very short amount of time, which is key for those in need of Fortnite XP. Secondly, it has multiple different ways to earn XP- both AFK and not.
In this map, there's a button in the corner on the right side of the platform. Interacting with it kickstarts the XP. To the left of that button are three buttons on the wall. These are different Fortnite XP methods.
One of them is an AFK bouncer room, and another is a different XP room. You can use any of these and even repeat the steps as many times as necessary if you want to continue trying this.
Here's a full guide on how to take advantage.
Please remember that these are glitches and could at any moment not work correctly or be patched by Epic Games. The only legitimate and foolproof ways to earn XP are ones given by Epic themselves.
Note: This article is subjective and reflects the views of the author.