While Fortnite boasts numerous legendary outfits, none have captured users' excitement quite like Midas. These legendary skins gained significant popularity starting from Chapter 2 Season 2 Battle Pass, eliciting favorable responses from the community. However, as each season progresses, these outfits have experienced some decline in community interest. Conversely, not all Midas skins have seen such declines with each passing season.
When discussing Midas outfits, there are six of them: Midsummer Midas, Shadow Midas, Icebound Midas, Midas Rex, and Golden Gear Midas. Each of these outfits has experienced fluctuations in popularity as seasons have progressed. Let's explore which outfit currently holds the top spot and which is the least utilized.
NOTE: This article is subjective and reflects the views of the writer.
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Top three Midas Skins that are popular in Fortnite
1) Midas

Midas, the first legendary outfit, was released in the Chapter 2 Season 2 Battle Pass. Soon after its release, the skin rapidly gained popularity among users, consistently maintaining its top position across subsequent seasons with only minor fluctuations.
Currently, in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 2, Midas has solidified its status as the most favored choice among fans for the current season. According to the rankings of FN.GG Midas currently holds the top position among the other six Midas. In Chapter 5 Season 2, it currently holds the 50th rank, making it the most frequently chosen Midas.

Midas offers four distinct styles: Default, Ghost, Shadow, and Golden Agent. Accessing these styles involves completing various activities. Upon purchasing the skin for 950 V-Bucks, the default outfit is unlocked.
To acquire the Ghost outfit, players must undertake a Midas-themed mission, delivering Legendary Weapons to GHOST. Similarly, unlocking the Shadow outfit requires delivering Legendary Weapons to Shadow. Finally, reaching Level 100 allows players to unlock the prestigious Golden Agent style.
2) Midsummer Midas

The Midsummer Midas outfit has consistently been a fan favorite, initially debuting in Chapter 2 Season 7, before experiencing a decline in popularity during Chapter 3 Season 2.
However, due to continued interest from fans, the Midsummer Midas outfit experienced a resurgence in Chapter 3 Season 3, reclaiming its position at the top of the charts. Based on FN.GG data, the Midsummer Midas skin is now ranked 282, making it one of the most popular Midas skin in Chapter 5 of Season 2.

Belonging to the Undercover Summer Set, the Midsummer Midas outfit is available for purchase in the Item Shop for 1,600 V-Bucks or as part of the Golden Sands Bundle for 2,000 V-Bucks.
The outfit provides various customization options, allowing players to choose whether to wear glasses or jackets and whether to activate the Gold reactive feature. When the Gold reactive feature is activated, weapons and tattoos will adopt a golden hue, with tattoos becoming more pronounced with each elimination.
3) Shadow Midas

Despite experiencing some fluctuations, the Shadow Midas consistently maintains its top position, as depicted in the graph. Although it initially peaked in Chapter 2 Season 8, it witnessed a decline from Chapter 3 Season 1 to Chapter 3 Season 2.
However, the skin regained momentum and reclaimed the top spot during Chapter 4 Season 5. According to the ranking displayed on the chart at FN.GG, Shadow Midas holds a position of 425, establishing it as another preferred choice among fans in Chapter 5 Season 2.

Shadow Midas belongs to the ShadeChaser Set and was initially introduced in Chapter 2: Season 8. Available for purchase in the Item Shop for 1,500 V-Bucks, this Midas skin offers two distinct styles, both of which are visually striking.
While the first style features a subtle glow limited to his hands, the second style boasts a full-body glow, making it particularly appealing. Opting for the latter enhances the gaming experience with its captivating visual effects.
Three Midas that are unpopular in Fortnite
1) Midas Rex

When considering the least favorite among Midas outfits, the Midas Rex skin stands out. It has struggled to capture fans' interest compared to other Midas variants, experiencing significant declines in rankings across multiple seasons.
While it maintained decent positions from Chapter 2 Season 4 to Chapter 2 Season 8, it notably plummeted in popularity during Chapter 3 Season 1. According to FN.GG's ranking, the Midas Rex holds a position of 915, indicating it is the least preferred version of Midas among fans.

Available for purchase in the Item Shop as part of The Last Laugh Bundle alongside The Joker and Poison Ivy for $29.99, this skin offers two styles: the default gear and Helm. Opting for the Helm style will cover your character's face with a helmet.
2) Icebound Midas

Icebound Midas failed to capture the audience's attention. Despite its stylish design, this particular Midas did not find favor among community members. It currently holds position 806 in Chapter 5 Season 2 rankings.

Icebound Midas made its debut in Chapter 3: Season 1 and is included in the Black Ice Set, available for purchase at 2,500 V-Bucks. Regrettably, there has been a lack of fan interest in the Icebond Midas, evidenced by its current rank according to the ranking graphs on FN.GG.
3) Golden Gear Midas

The Golden Gear Midas is the least popular among players, which is evident from its consistently low usage across multiple seasons, as illustrated in the graph. In FN Chapter 5 Season 2, Golden Gear Midas is considered one of the least popular Midas, ranking at 875 according to the data from Fortnite.GG's graph.

Belonging to the Anime Legends Set, the Golden Gear Midas debuted in Chapter 3 Season 4. Its urban street-style aesthetic captivates fans, with options for both masked and unmasked versions. The masked variant exudes a heightened sense of style and allure, enhancing the overall gaming experience with its devilish charm.