Fortnite players often come and go. This is especially true of many pros who have left the Fortnite scene recently. The Fortnite competitive scene and content creation often wavers and new players come and old players leave. However, many of them leave an impact on their fans and viewers, which makes them missed for long after they're gone. Here are four examples of that.
Four Fortnite players who are missed after leaving the game
4) YourFellow Arab
The days of competitive gaming are probably over for YourFellowArab, but he made an impact in his time. One player considered him to be one of the best and misses seeing him in the Fortnite scene, and many fans echo that sentiment. He's moved on to a different area of streaming and probably isn't coming back.
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3) CDN The Third
CDN was one of the most popular Fortnite players in his time. He's since moved on to other areas of gaming (which does leave the door open for a return), but his Fortnite audience definitely misses him playing the game. The game is better when popular creators are playing it and when they leave, it definitely takes a hit.

2) Cloakzy
Cloakzy was an incredibly smart Fortnite player, which made him a really fun person to watch. He's been gone for a while and probably isn't planning a return any time soon. That doesn't mean he's not missed and wouldn't make an immediate impact if he were to return to the Fortnite scene.

1) Tfue
Tfue teased a return when the Chapter 2 Season 8 live event was announced, but ultimately didn't play and hasn't played in quite some time. When he was playing, he was by far one of the game's best players and was one of the most popular streamers. He's moved on, but his fans are patiently waiting for a Fortnite return.
Which of these players is the most missed?