Fortnite Battle Royale is a very complex game and it takes a lot of time to learn the mechanics properly. However, even some of the most experienced players sometimes run into problems.
Fortunately, there are solutions to the many problems that players experience in Fortnite. Most of the time, these come down to using the proper strategy to play the game. Unfortunately, some may also require changing some habits.
On the other hand, players run into some problems from time-to-time that have no solutions. Fortunately, most of these problems rarely happen, so you don't have to worry about them.
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4 most frequent problems Fortnite players run into
1) Getting too many bots in games

With the release of Chapter 2, Epic Games decided to add bots to Fortnite Battle Royale. Players have mixed feelings about this, but in reality, it is a very helpful addition for new players.
Unfortunately, some believe they get too many bots in their lobbies. While this is a good problem to have, as it's easier to get wins, it can also be very frustrating. Once you become better at the game, bots are no longer challenging and you want to play against real players to fully experience the game.
If you get too many bots in your lobbies, you either need to start winning more games or change your teammates. If one of your teammates is a beginner, you will be put into low-level lobbies that have more than 50 bots.
2) Dying to the storm

The purpose of the storm in Fortnite is to prevent players from camping and to get all the survivors in a small area by the end of the game.
The storm damages players and can eliminate them if they are not careful. Some players spend too much time in the storm and that is why they fail to win games. If the storm becomes a problem for you, you need to change your looting strategy and pay attention to the storm countdown.
Whenever you are looting, you have to keep the storm countdown on your mind and start moving before it reaches zero. Additionally, try landing closer to the center of the map. By doing this, you increase the chance that you will be in the safe zone.
Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 3 allows players to ride animals, so if you are in a hurry, hop on one and move to the safe zone much faster! Additionally, you may use cars, rifts, and other mobility items.
3) Running out of mats

Building mechanics is what separates Fortnite Battle Royale from other games of the same genre. It's a big reason why the game has become so big, as it's very unique.
Even though building is also what separates good players from bad ones, everyone equally enjoys it and is frustrated by it.
Building is not possible without materials, so if you run out of them, you're doing something wrong. Each chest that you open drops one of the three building materials, but you will have to harvest them early in the game if you want to rely on building.
Ideally, you should have at least 500 of each material before reaching the top 10. Metal, of course, is the most valuable and the strongest material, so you want to save it for important fights.
Unfortunately, gathering materials is sometimes very boring, but you will eventually find out which objects give the most materials per hit. Furthermore, it's important to note that the Arena mode, as well as most other competitive modes, have increased harvesting rates.
4) Not having suitable weapons

Ideally, every inventory in the game should have three different weapons and one or two healing items. The goal of the game is to be the only survivor, and there is no better way of surviving than eliminating other players.
You want to have close-range weapons, medium-range weapons, and long-range weapons in your inventory. These would be an assault rifle, a submachine gun or a shotgun, and a sniper rifle.
A lot of players get frustrated when they can't properly fight against their enemies, which is why it's important to have a diverse loadout.
4 Fortnite issues that players are helpless against
1) Running into cheaters

From time to time, you will run into cheaters who either use software like the aimbot or who abuse glitches to gain an unfair advantage. Unfortunately, there isn't much you can do about this as you will probably be eliminated by those players.
Epic Games considers cheating a bannable offense in Fortnite Battle Royale, so if you run into this problem, make sure to report the player who was cheating.
2) Playing against much tougher players

With the release of Chapter 2, Epic Games added skill-based matchmaking to Fortnite Battle Royale. The point of this matchmaking system is to match players of the same skill level and have them play against each other.
Unfortunately, a lot of players trick this system to get lower-skilled opponents and there isn't anything that can be done to counter this.
Furthermore, the video game has cross-platform matchmaking enabled, which means that console players will be matched up against PC players, but also against mobile players. Epic Games has tried to adjust the matchmaking system, but it's far from perfect.
3) Downtimes

Whenever there is a new Fortnite update, Epic Games shuts the servers down and players have to wait for them to come back up. This usually takes an hour or two, but one downtime lasted for more than a day.
The Black Hole, which appeared after the "The End" event in Chapter 1, was the most famous downtime the game has ever had. Players were unable to access the game as the black hole covered the entire screen for almost two days.
In these situations, there is nothing players can do but wait for the downtime to end.
4) Getting disconnected
Unfortunately, some players experience connection problems while playing Fortnite Battle Royale. If your internet connection has no problems, then there is nothing you can do about this.
Fortunately, the game doesn't disconnect frequently as Epic Games has stable servers. However, they sometimes go down for a few seconds, which is enough for the game to be interrupted.
If you play Fortnite on a daily basis, this isn't a big problem at all. But it can definitely be very frustrating when you get disconnected while being one of the last five survivors!