Over the years, the Fortnite Battle Pass has evolved. It used to be tier-based and had skins available at various tiers.
This functioned similarly to the current format, but there was no ability to redeem rewards in any other order than the one set forth. Battle Stars were also bonuses on the map, not currency for the rewards.
There also used to be very few extra styles for skins, and there weren't any of the customizable items that have become a staple of the last few Battle Passes. Selectable styles for all Fortnite Battle Pass skins have quickly become a fan favorite addition.
Overtime styles, which were earned through the completion of special challenges, are particularly very popular. Here are the best ones so far.
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Note: This article is subjective and reflects the views of the author.
Fortnite overtime styles for Battle Pass skins
5) Trog
Trog was introduced in Chapter 1 Season 7. Trog's overtime style is great and makes the skin look more like Bigfoot.
The addition of Overtime challenges was a huge hit, thanks largely to the quality of the styles players were going to get. For Trog, that meant his skin became more colorful, which is never a bad thing.
Initially, Trog wasn't a popular Fortnite skin, but the overtime style improved his quality.
4) Sidewinder
Sidewinder was a great skin in the Chapter 1 Season 8 Battle Pass. She was a cool cowgirl who played an integral role in the storyline that season, and female skins are generally more popular than males.
However, when the overtime style for her skin was released, she instantly became one of the most popular skins in the entire game.
The dark style that players could have unlocked by completing two overtime challenges that season quickly became the go-to style and made her a skin that everyone was using in those days.
3) Ember

Ember was already a very cool skin from the Fortnite Season 8 Battle Pass. A fire-themed elf? Players didn't need much encouragement to use this skin.
The original looks good, so this skin doesn't land higher on this list. The overtime style is great, but it's not quite good enough to make people stop using the original style.
Still, the Night style for Ember is excellent, even if it doesn't get used quite as often as some others. This was unlocked with four overtime challenges that season, so many players earned it.
2) Master Key
Season 8 arguably had the best overtime challenge styles of any season. They were only a part of the game in Seasons 7-9, but Season 8 nailed all three of their skins, and Master Key is arguably the best.
Master Key is a fine original Fortnite skin, but it's nothing special. The selectable style remedies that and adds an option that players could use and be proud of.
The white coloring makes for a somewhat bland image, but it's a good alternative to the orange that the main style features.
1) Bunker Jonesy
Jonesy has been a popular character in Fortnite over the years. He's considered the default skin and has a ton of iconic reskins.
Agent Jonesy, Brainiac, and Mullet Marauder became fan favorites largely because they were Jonesy. When Bunker Jonesy was introduced, that remained true.
Bunker Jonesy's overtime style makes him grow significantly older, which adds to the allure he originally had. Bunker Jonesy looks good because he's unkempt and looks like he's been in the bunker forever. The aged style enhances both aspects.