There have been some very interesting Fortnite characters in the past four and a half years. It all started with Jonesy, who turned out to be one of the most important characters in the game's lore.
In Chapter 3, we are familiar with every member of The Seven and the work they've done to save the universe.
While Jonesy and The Seven are still fine, after seasons of devastating wars and battles, some Fortnite characters have gotten the short end of the stick. These characters have died in Fortnite lore, and their deaths have been described either in the game or in comics.
Check out the five fallen Fortnite characters below!
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Fortnite characters who died during their adventures
5) Fishstick

Fishstick is one of the most popular Fortnite characters of all time. As an outfit, he's had multiple styles and variants, which made his popularity skyrocket.
Unfortunately, this character is no longer alive. He died in issue #4 of the Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point comic. This is the issue where Batman confronted Deathstroke and the two of them had a fight.
Batman took control of Fortnite characters, including Fishstick, who were ambushed by rock monsters. Unfortunately, Fishstick did not survive this fight, and his death scene in the comic is quite tragic.
It's important to note that characters in Fortnite may die in and out of the Loop. When they die in the Loop, which is similar to how players die, there are no major consequences as the Loop resets every 20 or so minutes. However, when they die out of the Loop, their death is permanent, but their snapshots may still appear.
4) Bushranger

Like Fishstick, Bushranger is another popular skin in Fortnite Battle Royale. What these two skins have in common is the fact that they are mostly used by beginners.
Unfortunately, both of them have died as well. While Fishstick was killed in the comic, Bushranger's death was implied with a minor map change back in Chapter 2.
In the last few seasons of Chapter 2, Epic Games released Bushranger as an NPC. He was roaming around Risky Reels and players had to complete a quest for him in Season 7. Bushranger cared about Alien Eggs and he believed they weren't evil. Unfortunately, this ended up being fatal for him.
A week after this quest was released, Bushranger was no longer on the island. Instead, there was only his grave that confirmed his death. Rest in peace!
3) Midas

Midas is one of the most important characters in Fortnite's storyline. He was also one of the best skins in the Chapter 2 Season 2 Battle Pass, and his weapon, the Mythic Drum Gun, was incredible.
The international crime boss built a Doomsday Device in an attempt to control the Storm. Unfortunately, this plan backfired as he caused massive flooding all over the island.
This flood brought Season 3, where almost the entire map was underwater. Unfortunately, Midas was eaten by a shark, which was seen in the trailer of the new season.
Considering that he is one of the most important Fortnite characters of all time, he may return to the game at some point. After all, there is a chance that he was simply killed inside the Loop and that he's preparing for his comeback.
There have been rumors about his return in Chapter 3, but nothing important has happened yet. Most players agree that he is too important to be killed off just like that, but we will have to wait and see if Epic Games has other plans for him.
After all, the Imagined Order used another Doomsday Device at the end of Chapter 3 Season 2. It wouldn't be surprising if Midas was the brains behind this operation!
2) Aeronaut

Aeronaut is one of the rarest Fortnite item shop skins of all time. It was last released on November 21, 2019, which was in the second month of Chapter 2 Season 1. As of June 22, it hasn't been out for 923 days!
Besides being an extremely rare skin, Aeronaut is also one of the Fortnite characters who has died. His death was also described in a comic.
He was last seen with the Renegade Raider as he tried to escape the island. Aeronaut tried to use his glider to leap into the void at the edge of the world, but he failed. This Fortnite character evaporated, and he hasn't been seen since then, not in the comics or in the Item Shop.
1) Eternal Voyager

Eternal Voyager is one of the coolest skins from the Season X Battle Pass. He is a remixed version of Dark Voyager from the Chapter 1 Season 3 Battle Pass, and his additional styles look incredible.
Unfortunately, Eternal Voyager is another Fortnite character whose death happened in the comic.
Batman, Catwoman, and Deathstroke, alongside a few Fortnite characters, found their way to the room that has the Zero Point. It is believed that the Zero Point has the energy to hold the island together, which is why so many characters have tried to get its power.
Batman suggested the group check it out carefully, but Eternal Voyager ran straight into it, claiming he would be free if he shattered it.
"This is it. The reason I'm here! I can sense it! Once I shatter this barrier, from the Zero Point I can go anywhere, do anything! Voyage for all eternity!"
Even though Batman told him to stop, Eternal Voyager wouldn't listen as he jumped into the energy. Shortly after, his body was shattered into countless pieces across different planes of reality.
Deathstroke pointed out that he was scattered into dozens of pieces, with each one sent to a random universe, while Catwoman remarked that he got his wish as he would be voyaging for eternity.
Note: The article reflects the writer's opinions.