A few Fortnite players are on a level that many others cannot get to. Naturally, there are good and bad players in every game, but these gamers are far above everyone else. Their world records may eventually be broken, but for now, they stand as impressive proof of these players' skill.
Much of this is eye-popping and jaw-dropping, but for the players who completed it, it's just another day at the office. Still, many of these seem so improbable that it wouldn't seem natural if they weren't official.
A few of the craziest Fortnite world records
5) First player to hit 100,000 eliminations
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The name of the game is eliminating opponents, and the first person to do that 100,000 times was HighDistortion, a.k.a. Jimmy Moreno. He reached that number on January 21, 2019, which means he did it in less than two years of gameplay.
4) Longest squad win streak

The Fortnite world record for squad wins in a row is currently being held by FeroX M33P_. In October 2018, he was a part of 66 consecutive squad wins. What is even more impressive is the fact that Guinness only credits him for the record. This likely meant he had a different squad for a lot of them.
3) Longest solo win streak
The longest solo win streak is held by OnlyGuyLeft (OGL), a.k.a. Jack Filicicchia. From November 18 to December 2, 2021, OnlyGuyLeft won an incredible 94 consecutive games, per Guinness. Unfortunately for him, that was before the Victory Crown was introduced, but it was massively impressive nonetheless.
2) Fastest three pyramid build

The record was made with a keyboard and mouse, which makes sense given how fast it was done. On October 17, 2020, Jax Bek built a three-layered pyramid in just 56.90 seconds. Doing that in under a minute is wildly impressive and deserving of the record.
1) Most total wins
Ship, who has a legitimate claim to being the best Fortnite player ever, holds the Guinness World Record for most wins in the game. The numbers don't even feel real, but he has reportedly won 20,156 games. The record is up to date, but every day it grows.