Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 8 will bring a handful of changes to the Battle Royale.
However, the modifications that come to Fortnite with an update or a season change aren't always new features. Epic Games has been known to bring back some of the components that made Fortnite popular in the first place.
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There are going to be a handful of returning features in Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 8 that players are looking forward to. Of course, some of these are just speculation, so take them as such until it is officially announced by Epic Games.
Top 5 features returning in Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 8
5) Apple Players
Android players are a thing in Fortnite once again with Samsung users having their very own Galaxy Cup 2.0. The struggle with Apple could also end soon, with iOS users returning to the Battle Royale. There could still be some bad blood that prevents this, but proceedings look to be moving in the right direction.
4) Walking Dead Crossover
There have been a ton of crossovers and collaborations in Fortnite. Chapter 2 Season 8 may see the return of Epic Games working with The Walking Dead. Leaker HYPEX is on top of these rumors, but again, take it with a grain of salt until it is official. The crossover may even see some new characters added to the mix.
3) Mechs

There have been rumors aplenty about the "Sideways" coming to Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 8. It is said to resemble the Upside Down from the Stranger Things series on Netflix. One of the biggest takeaways from the reveal is that there may be rideable monsters and mechs within this location.
2) A Halloween Event
Halloween will take place in the middle of Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 8. Once again mentioning the "Sideways" coming to the game - a Halloween event is likely to take place in correlation with this location. The fact that there is a jumpscare file should be more than enough proof that it is about to get freaky.
1) Kevin the Cube
When Kevin the Cube appeared during the Ariana Grande concert, fans were excited. Then a tweet from Donald Mustard broke the internet. In the tweet above, it is clear he is referring to Kevin rolling across the island, whereas part two means that the Cube's return is all but confirmed.