The Battle Pass in Fortnite typically provides some of the best skins in the game, but not each and every skin hits the mark.
The game is currently in its third Chapter with a ton of Seasons behind it. This means that the game has seen more than its fair share of Battle Passes come and go since the first one was introduced way back in Season 1. And while the way they work may have changed, the content output hasn't.
From the likes of Omega to Doctor Strange, there have been some incredible Battle Pass skins that players have seen over time. Among the popular ones, however, are those that the community isn't too fond of.
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Note: This article may be subjective and reflects the opinion of the writer.
The eight least liked Fortnite Battle Pass skins
8) Menace

Menace was unlockable at Tier 83 of the Chapter 2 Season 5 Battle Pass. The theme of the season saw a lot of different hunters enter the fray. Menace may have been the worst of them.
Not only did it have to compete with The Mandalorian, it was outshined by several other skins from the Battle Pass that season as well. There's nothing special about this skin, and fans were disappointed that its styles were nothing to write home about either.
7) Nightshade

When it comes to food-themed skins in Fortnite, players either love them or hate them. There have been some extremely popular ones, but Nightshade from the Season 6 Battle Pass is not included in that list. While skins like Surrr Burger might be regarded as not very pleasant to look at either, this skin is probably even less liked.
It is a female version of Tomatohead dressed like an assassin. It never stops smiling, and that's just plain creepy. Fans were quick to voice their displeasure when the skin was first revealed.
6) Redline

Redline continues the trend that Menace started. There are several skins on this list that are straight-up boring, and that is why players don't like them. Redline is 100 percent one of those skins.
It was unlockable in Season 5 at Tier 23. The Season 4 Battle Pass was perhaps the most popular one ever, so having to follow up on that didn't do Redline any favors. She's just a character with a helmet. That's it.
5) Lt. John Llama

The llama is the mascot of Fortnite. It is one of the most recognizable gaming entities of the modern era. When Epic Games turned it into a beefed-up soldier, though, it didn't go too well.
A part of the Chapter 3 Season 1 Battle Pass, Lt. John Llama could be unlocked by players for nine Battle Stars on Page 3.
This character is bulky and just way too odd, even by players' standards.
4) Squad Leader

Squad Leader was the Tier 87 reward in the Season 4 Battle Pass. That season set the standard the Battle Royale should try to maintain as well as the standard for how incredible a Battle Pass should be. It still had its few shortcomings, however.
The superhero-themed season remains one of the best the game has ever seen, and Squad Leader just didn't fit the bill. One of the highest rewards was a plain agent of sorts rather than a spectacular hero.
3) Luxe

To this day, Luxe remains arguably the worst Tier 100 skin the game has ever produced. She came in Season 8, where there was a strong pirate and treasure theme in effect.
Her styles were simply different colors for her outfit and didn't add anything else. The skin was disappointing, to say the least, and players were not happy with having to grind to Tier 100 only to have a few color changes available.
2) Battlehawk

Think of Battlehawk as a worse version of Squad Leader. Introduced in Fortnite Season 4, Battlehawk was yet another boring skin surrounded by the likes of Carbide, Omega, and Valor.
It is just a guy with some armor and an eyepatch. There's nothing special about this Tier 1 reward. Players expected much more from the hero-themed BP and weren't all that grateful or pleased upon receiving this skin.
1) Fabio Sparklemane

Fabio Sparklemane tops the least-liked Battle Pass skins. The anthropomorphic unicorn is one of those skins that make players wonder what in the world Epic Games was thinking.
His hands are hoofs, so how can he even hold a gun? Truly, this unicorn left an unsettling feeling in the back of players' minds, and it qualifies as one of the strangest skins in the battle royale's history.