One of the best parts about Fortnite is the teammates. Whether it's a familiar squad, a trusty partner for Duos, or incidental teams assigned by the game, players have likely played with an assortment of personalities over years.
Everybody has different play styles in the game, which often results in hilarious situations, unforeseen circumstances, and impromptu fights. Here are eight types of teammates in Fortnite.
8 teammates every Fortnite player has experienced at one point
8) Loot hound
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This type of teammate is all about searching for loot. After eliminating an enemy, their first course of action is to check it out and grab everything they want, including all the ammo and materials they can hold. They're always looking to improve their loadout. The loot hound will often go to great lengths to ensure they get the loot.
7) Friendly

A friendly is the opposite of a loot hound. They're constantly on the lookout for any weapons their team members may need, offering them the first chance at suitable weapons. They'll also likely carry heals that they are more than willing to share.
This type of teammate is welcome on all teams and can be a valuable asset. Having someone who cares about each individual member is very useful.
6) The solo
This happens frequently in random pairings, but everyone has experienced a solo teammate. They tend to land where they want and never with the team. They play alone until they ultimately die, at which point they leave the match and don't care about being rebooted.
Hopefully, players don’t have these teammates in their regular teams, but they're sometimes unavoidable during a game of squads with fill turned on.
5) Secret sweat
This type of teammate is among the best to have. They can sweat it out with the best, but prefer to just have fun with their team. They do not go hard until someone provokes them to, at which point they can eliminate a full squad in a heartbeat.
This type of teammate is one of the best because they ensure a team's top placement while not making the game toxic.
4) Language barrier
This type of Fortnite teammate is one that is often part of random squads. The player always has their mic on, but they do not communicate in a language spoken by the rest of the squad. Such situations are frustrating for players on both sides of this conundrum.
3) AFK
Every Fortnite player has had a teammate that goes AFK frequently. These teammates will randomly, sometimes without warning, stop moving. If luck is on their side, they will not die and can return, but this situation is pretty rare. Sometimes, they return to active play right after they get eliminated.
2) Challenger
These types of teammates only play to complete their Fortnite challenges and don't bother playing with or near their teammates. They're not being malicious - it is just easier to complete challenges in squads or trios.
1) The self-sacrificer

This Fortnite teammate is the best. If a player is downed or eliminated, the self-sacrificer will do everything to save the former. This largely means running straight into the heat of battle to pick up a teammate or their card. They will then try to get out of there as fast as possible, though that's easier said than done.
Note: This article is subjective and reflects the views of the author.