Fortnite players recently had the opportunity to buy a battle pass skin from Chapter 1 Season 4. Omega was a popular skin that could only be obtained by achieving Tier 100 on that battle pass. The currently present Omega Knight skin is a bit of a remix. This skin is customizable, with the potential of attaining a gold style.
As a result, the skin came with challenges. These challenges are used as a way to level up the skin and unlock new stages, but they're also XP challenges. At this late stage of Chapter 3 Season 2, everyone is looking for any XP they can get.
The challenges for Omega Knight are weekly XP tokens placed randomly around the map. The second week has just begun, and here's where to find all the tokens.
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Omega Knight XP tokens in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2
It should be noted that these level up tokens will only be visible and available to gamers who purchased the Omega Knight skin from the Item Shop. For everyone else, these locations mean nothing.
This week, the first level up token can be found at the gas station in the middle of the map. There is an intersection with a stop sign at the top of the road running parallel to the gas station. The token is at the stop sign.
The second XP token can be found to the southeast of Sanctuary. There is a curve in the road that has a Seven building beside it. The token is in the middle of the road.
The third token can be found on the road exiting Condo Canyon to the north. There's a slight bend in the road, and a billboard can be found there. That's where the third token lies.
The fourth token can be found on the ground in front of the zipline that leads up to or down from Windbreakers in the southwest corner of the map. To the northwest of Greasy Grove, Fortnite gamers will find the fifth token in the curve of the road.
At Command Cavern, a zip line leads straight out of the POI to a little building. Halfway through that zip line, the sixth token is on the ground. The final token is on the road leaving Sleepy Sound to the west.
Here are all the spots on the map:

Additionally, there are seven tokens available from last week if Fortnite players have not collected those yet.