Bounty Boards are back in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 1. They were earlier replaced by Job Boards, but it seems that sticking to the tried-and-tested is probably for the best. Players can once more take on bounties and hunt down targets to claim Gold Bars in-game. These can be used to buy services and items from the NPCs located on the island.
In Chapter 5 Season 1, there are a total of 19 Bounty Boards located on the map. Given that this is the largest island till date, they are rather spread out, and it will require a bit of legwork to find them during a match. This task can be made harder if players decide to destroy the Bounty Board after using it. Nevertheless, this article explores the locations of all the Bounty Boards in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 1.
Where to find Bounty Boards in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 1

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As mentioned, there are a total of 19 Bounty Boards on the island. 11 can be found in the grasslands, while the other eight are located in the snow/ice biome. Here are their locations:
Grassland biome
- Ritzy Riviera
- Southeast of Ritzy Riviera
- Pleasant Piazza
- Snooty Steppes
- North of Snooty Steppes
- Fencing Fields
- South of Fencing Fields
- Ruined Reels
- North of Ruined Reels
- Reckless Railways
- West of Reckless Railways
Snow/Ice biome
- South of Lavish Lair
- Rebel's Roost
- Classy Courts
- West of Classy Courts
- East of Classy Courts
- Grand Glacier
- Hazy Hillside
- Southeast of Hazy Hillside
As seen from the locations, it is clear the island can use a few more Bounty Boards. Given how spread out things are, another four to five will make it easier for players to get bounties and earn Gold Bars.
Are there benefits to accepting a bounty from the Bounty Board in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 1?
Yes, there are numerous benefits to accepting a bounty from the Bounty Board. While Gold Bars and experience points from eliminating the target are the upfront benefits, there are other tactical uses as well.
You can use Bounty Boards to find nearby opponents and locate them in real time. Since their location is displayed and highlighted on the map, you can approach them stealthily to take them out from afar using long-range weapons.

This will give you the element of surprise, and make dealing with the opponents easier in general. Even if you fail to eliminate the target and another team gets to them first, you will still receive 10 Gold Bars.
In both cases, you stand to gain, and as such, accepting a bounty is always a good idea. If nothing else, this will motivate you to be more involved in a match. You can then test your skills and ability to hunt and eliminate opponents in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 1.