Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 2 Weekly Quests are live in-game. A new set of quests are released every Tuesday. You can complete these at your own pace to earn experience points. These quests will be listed until the end of the current season, so there is no need to rush and try to finish them in one go. Let things progress by playing the game naturally.
That said, each set of Weekly Quests will have something new and exciting for you to do in-game. You will interact with bosses and NPCs, hunt down opponents, and collect an array of weapons in an attempt to complete these quests. Here is more information on all Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 2 Weekly Quests.
Full list of all Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 2 Weekly Quests
Although each set of Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 2 Weekly Quests has eight challenges, only six will be listed. The extra two will be used as replacements if and when needed. Remember that some quests could also change over time depending upon several factors and circumstances.
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Week 0 Quests

- Emote in different matches (5)
- Visit The Underworld and Mount Olympus (2)
- Mantle in different Named Locations (5)
- Headshot opponents with Huntress DMR (3)
- Hit players within 5 seconds of falling (10)
- Eliminate players with Gatekeeper Shotgun (3)
- Use a Zipline or Ascender (1)
- Search Chests of Ammo Boxes(15)
Week 1 Quests

- Search Rare Chests or Safes (5)
- Travel distance while airborne (2,000)
- Damage opponents while at full shields (250)
- Collect Mythic items (5)
- Eliminate players with common weapons (3)
- Spend Gold Bars (100)
- Damage players with a weapon with a mod (1,000)
- Swim (500)
Week 2 Quests

- Damage players from below (500)
- Headshot players with Warforged Assault Rifle (5)
- Talk to Aphrodite, Artemis, Medusa, or Poseidon to receive free items (3)
- Eliminate players within 10 seconds of destroying a structure (3)
- Travel distance within 30 seconds of landing from the Battle Bus (1,000)
- Collect Epic or better weapons from eliminated players (3)
- Eliminate players with Harbinger SMG (2)
- Destroy metal structures or objects (15)
Week 3 Quests

- Travel distance while using Medkits or Shield Potions (200)
- Destroy objects or structures with fire (25)
- Deal damage to players with pistols (500)
- Deal explosive damage to opponents (200)
- Eliminate opponents with sniper rifles (2)
- Eliminate an opponent while below 50 health (1)
- Collect Gold Bars (500)
- Destroy objects or structures (100)
Week 4 Quests

- Open Chests or Ammo Boxes within 30 seconds of landing (5)
- Deal damage to players while aiming down sights (300)
- Purchase items or services from characters (5)
- Deal damage to players with shotguns (1,000)
- Eliminate players with pistols (5)
- Eliminate players from 30 meters or more (5)
- Destroy objects or structures with the Pickaxe (50)
Week 5 Quests

- Travel distance in a vehicle (5,000)
- Collect a shotgun, assault rifle, sniper rifle, and pistol in a single match (4)
- Complete Quests from the Job Board (5)
- Collect weapons from eliminated players (3)
- Deal damage to players from 10 meters or less (500)
- Eliminate players while using a weapon with a mod (10)
- Gain health or shields from fish (10)
- Deal damage to players with DMRs (250)
Week 6 Quests

- Spend Gold Bars (500)
- Travel distance with the Pickaxe equipped (500)
- Search Chests (25)
- Deal damage to players while sliding or crouched (1,000)
- Eliminate players with headshots (5)
- Eliminate two opponents without reloading (2)
- Complete Bounty Quests from the Job Board (5)
Week 7 Quests

- Collect ammo from Ammo Boxes (400)
- Visit Landmarks (5)
- Spend Gold Bars at Vending Machines (500)
- Damage opponents with a Tactical Assault Rifle or a Gatekeeper Shotgun (800)
- Emote at different Named Locations (3)
- Find and accept SHADOW Briefings (8)
- Burst through doors (5)
- Headshot enemy players (30)
Week 8 Quests

- Travel distance while Sprinting (1,700)
- Jam at Restored Reel's stage and Slumberyard's dance floor (2)
- Headshot enemy players (50)
- Collect weapons at the Summit Temple (12)
- Search Produce Boxes (8)
- Damage players with a fully modded weapon (800)
- Gain Shields (300)
- Destroy strucutres or objects (18)
Note: Each Weekly Quest will yield 10,000 experience points upon completion.
When do Fortnite Weekly Quests come out?
New Weekly Quests come out every Tuesday at 9 AM Eastern Time. This information comes directly from Epic Games. However, keep in mind that at times, this could fluctuate depending on situations and circumstances. Developers will provide an update via social media channels when and if this occurs.