Fortnitemares 2023 has finally begun, and with that, the Witch Broom item has also gone live. This item isn't new to the game and has been seen in the past with every single iteration of the event. It's a fun mode of travel in the game and can be used to create some interesting match-winning moments in the game. However, there's a cooldown in place that prevents players from using it fairly.
The Witch Broom is one of the few limited time items in the game. Whenever it's added, players end up using it quite a lot. To make things even better, Epic Games even added a challenge that requires the usage of this item. So, where do players find this item in the game?
Where to find a Fortnite Witch Broom in Chapter 4 Season 4

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The Witch Broom is of mythic rarity, so it's not going to be easy to come by. To make matters worse, you won't find it at any particular location either. However, considering this item is tied to the Fortnitemares 2023 event, its spawn rates will be slightly higher.
You can find the Witch Broom as random floor loot at each and every named location. You can also come across this weapon in regular and rare chests across the island. The map above should give you an approximate idea of where to find these chests in the game.
If you're lucky enough, you might come across a Witch Broom inside one of the vaults that are spread across the island.
Alternatively, there's an augment that's been added with the update today. This augment reduces the Witch Broom cooldown and immediately grants access to one.
How to travel 500m on a Witch Broom in Fortnite

This is a weekly challenge that you will come across in the game. Now, in order for you to do this, you will have to get your hands on a Witch Broom first. After you've acquired the said item, you need to equip it and then press the fire button to activate it.
Once you've activated it, the broom should cause you to jump up high in the air, and then you will be able to ride the broom and glide across the map. You can now either glide till the broom makes you land automatically, or you can use the shoot button again to cancel the glide. If you cancel the glide mid-air, you will not take fall damage.
To complete this challenge easily, head over to a cliff and initiate the glide. That way, it'll be easier to cover the required distance.