Can you unlock Styles after a Fortnite season ends? The short answer is no, and while this may sound disappointing, there is a valid reason behind this. Styles are associated with Outfits, which can be obtained either in the Item Shop or can be claimed from the Seasonal Battle Pass. If the Style is part of an Outfit and it's present in the Item Shop, it's a timeless cosmetic.
However, if the Style is associated with the Outfit that's part of the Battle Pass, there's no way to obtain it once the season ends. This is true for all Super Styles that are featured on any Seasonal Battle Pass. That said, if players fail to reach Seasonal Level 200, they will not be able to unlock all the Styles present on the Battle Pass. While they will still own the base-version of Outfit, the extra Styles will be missing.

That being said, Super Styles are not limited to Outfits. Other cosmetic items tend to have them as well. They range from Pickaxes to Back Blings and Contrails even. There are quite a few Gliders that have Super Styles as well, but they are far and few between. Nevertheless, it's easy enough to obtain them in-game with a bit of effort and perseverance.
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How to obtain Super Styles in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 3?

The only way to start obtaining Super Styles in Fortnite is by reaching Seasonal Level 100 and unlock all basic cosmetic items. Once players reach this level, the "Bonus" section of the Battle Pass will open up. They will need Battle Stars to unlock these and add them to their Locker. If by chance players forget to unlock them after reaching Seasonal Level 200, they will be added to the Locker automatically once the season ends.
However, it's best to unlock them as soon as possible to avoid the possibility of the automated system failing and then having to contact Epic Games for help. The best way to go about it is to claim each piece of cosmetics as and when Battle Stars become available. For those in dire need or Battle Stars can resort to buying level as well at the cost of V-Bucks.
Although this option is viable, it will get expensive as the price of V-Bucks will increase in certain Countries after July 17, 2023. For this reason, earning Battle Stars by playing the game normally is by far the best option. While it may take time to earn them, it's free as long as players know how to gain experience points easily.