When Doctor Slone revealed herself to be evil and a part of the villainous Imagined Order in Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 7, it kickstarted the current storyline.
The current war between the IO and The Seven is a direct result of that, as, without Slone, the IO could very well be floundering. They're a strong organization that had a good chance of acting out their evil plans.
That is until The Seven began fighting back. For most of this season, The Seven has been outmanned and overmatched. After all, there were only seven of them, and not all of them were even present on the island.
Still, they have slowly but surely won back the island and are forcing the IO back to Command Cavern. Tilted Towers, perhaps the biggest POI, is the latest to have been saved.
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Tilted Towers joins a long list of fallen IO blimps in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2
In the last week or so, players have been asked to land outside Tilted Towers to push back the Imagined Order. There, they'd fight and move to the edges of the POI and eliminate all IO guards and Huntmaster Saber.
This would happen just like at other POIs: Fortnite gamers would go there in nearly every match and help The Seven. Eventually, they'd be defeated. This happened again, marking the fifth POI to be lost by the IO.
The same thing happened in the Daily Bugle, Condo Canyon, Rocky Reels, Coney Crossroads, and now, Tilted Towers. What was once mostly controlled by the IO is now taken back by The Seven.
The last two remaining POIs that still have IO guards running around are Command Cavern and The Fortress. It would be nearly impossible to take those two, given how swarming they are with IO personnel, including Slone and Gunnar.
These may be saved for the live event to end this season and potentially this war. These may also be the next two Seven targets since there are a few more weeks until Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 3 arrives.

For now, players will have to settle for having taken down five IO blimps and restoring safety and order to the island. Depending on how the live event goes, that may be the season's high point.
Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2 will end around June 3. Until then, things will undoubtedly get pretty crazy on the island.