Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3 has just launched, and with it, comes a massive wave of content, including a brand new Battle Pass and fresh collaborations like the Fallout T-60 Power Armor and the addition of the Nuka-Cola to the loot pool. However, within the behemoth of a season launch, Epic Games has managed to sneak in an Easter Egg that might go unnoticed by most players.
The Easter Egg is hidden in the animation for consuming Nuka-Cola, one of the many new items added in Chapter 5 Season 3. Keen-eyed players will notice that after consuming the Nuka-Cola, characters in-game will retrieve the cap and throw away the bottle.
This is a reference to Bethesda's beloved Fallout universe, where bottle caps are used as currency, making them valuable collectibles. Additionally, players receive a gold bar for every cap they collect, adding to its role as a currency.
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Where to find Nuka-Cola in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3

Nuka-Cola is one of the more low-key yet exciting additions to Chapter 5 Season 3, as it not only expands on Fortnite's collaboration with Fallout but also adds to the Chapter 5 Season 3 loot pool. If you want to indulge in this delicious drink, you will have to find it in-game. Since Nuka-Cola is a healing item, it is not that rare to find, especially with all the new locations introduced in Chapter 5 Season 3.
Nuka-Cola can be found in Chests and Supply Drops, which you can call in through SHADOW Job Boards as well as on the floor, expanding the prospect of players coming across this new healing beverage in Chapter 5 Season 3.
Benefits of Nuka-Cola in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3

Nuka-Cola is one of the most exciting and useful healing items added to the game in a while, and the beverage's benefits expand past its monetary value. While players get a gold bar for each cola they consume, it also heals them for 75 shields.
Furthermore, the beverage also heals players for a small amount of their health. With all of these benefits, while also being an iconic Easter Egg, Nuka-Cola is likely to grow in popularity as Chapter 5 Season 3 unfolds further.
Check out other articles about Chapter 5 Season 3:
- Chapter 5 Season 3: Full list of new locations in the game
- Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3: Full list of new vehicle mods coming to the game
- Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3 (v30.00) patch notes
- Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3: Full list of new weapons and guns coming to the game