Fortnite's Item Shop has seen many changes through the years, with Epic Games constantly introducing new elements to not just the aesthetics of the shop but also its functionality. An important aspect of its functionality is the Fortnite Item Shop timers, allowing players to be aware of when the Item Shop will be refreshed to bring in new cosmetics.
However, it appears the Item Shop has now landed Epic Games in muddy waters. In a recent Reddit post shared by u/ConcernedYellingMan, the player mentioned how Dutch authorities, more specifically the Netherlands Authorities for Consumers and Markets, have penalized Epic Games $1.2 million due to the Fortnite developers allegedly exploiting players into purchasing cosmetics.
The post also pointed out how this could potentially be the reason why in-game Item Shop timers are changing, as Epic Games looks for ways to modify the in-game shop so players don't feel pressured to purchase cosmetics.
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The case has drawn mixed opinions among members of the community. Reddit user u/JurassicParkFood highlighted how they are going to use this instance to teach their child to be mindful of the way they spend not just their V-Bucks but even real-life money.

Reddit user u/Sorry_Ring_4630 added to the conversation, pointing out that the Item Shop timers are actually a useful addition to Fortnite. Reddit user u/Nightwalker065 highlighted how the timers can be incredibly useful for players to plan their purchases in the Item Shop.
Adding a little humor to the situation involving Epic Games, Reddit user u/blazedragon666 commented:
"1.1m? Damn, that’s like 2 dollars for them!"
What changes does Epic Games plan on implementing in Fortnite to avoid issues like this in the future?
Epic Games has come forward and disputed the charges while communicating to the Netherlands Authorities for Consumers and Markets (ACM) about the changes that will be coming to the Item Shop.
These include some aspects that have already been implemented, such as the removal of rarities from the Item Shop and player lockers in the v29.20 update. However, an important change comes in the form of Epic Games disabling the feature for Under 18 players in the Netherlands to purchase cosmetics present in the Item Shop for less than 48 hours.
Additionally, cosmetics will now feature the dates of their removal from the Item Shop in their descriptions. These changes are set to be introduced to Fortnite on May 24, 2024, coinciding with the end of Chapter 5 Season 2. This will allow players to get used to the new additions as they head into Chapter 5 Season 3.