Chapter 2 - Season 7 of Fortnite introduced Alien Artifacts, which are required to unlock the styles for the Kymera outfit in the Battle Pass. Collecting these artifacts has been an arduous task for players this season.
Every week, Epic Games releases five new Alien Artifacts on the map. To unlock all the Kymera styles, players not only have to find these Alien Artifacts but farm Cosmic Chests as well.
While players can only grind for Cosmic Chests in Duos, Trios or Squads, here are the locations of all the Alien Artifacts that they can quickly collect before the season ends.
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Location of every Alien Artifact in Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 7
A post on Fortnite's official sub-reddit, r/FortNiteBR, highlighted all the Alien Artifacts on the current map.
Players need a total of 360 Alien Artifacts to unlock all the available Kymera outfits. Apart from finding the ones mentioned above, they have to farm Cosmic Chests that can drop a maximum of 15 artifacts in a single week.

Chapter 2 - Season 8 is still a few weeks away, but Epic Games hasn't released the Alien Artifacts for Week 11. It is safe to assume that the developer won't release any new artifacts now, and players will have to rely on Cosmic Chests to complete the Kymera set.
How to open Cosmic Chests in Fortnite?
Cosmic Chests are the only source of Alien Artifacts in Fortnite. They are a new loot mechanism that is only available in Squads, Trios and Duos.
Cosmic Chests spawn randomly and there are no fixed areas where players can farm them. However, after finding one, the teams must ensure that they open the loot box carefully.

Cosmic Chests target a player with a pink laser, who shall then hit the chest with a pickaxe. Every player targeted by the chest must repeat the process, and it will soon drop valuable loot items and Alien Artifacts.
Chapter 2 - Season 7 also had many free rewards that players should unlock as soon as possible. The countdown timer for the season ending Operation: Sky Fire live event has already begun, and Chapter 2 - Season 8 will most likely arrive on September 13.