Ever since the Imagined Order reached the Flipside of Fortnite Chapter 3, taking over the island was inevitable. However, the speed at which they managed to take things over is shocking. From having one major POI last season to nearly being able to lock down the entire island, their rate of expansion is terrifying.

Yet, Epic Games is tasking players with searching chests and ammo boxes at Imaged Order Outposts. It's unclear why they want to send Loopers to an enemy's position. However, the reward will be worth the risk. By completing this simple task, a total of 20,000 XP can be earned.
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Every Imagined Order Outpost location in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2
- Outpost Omega (Destroyed) - East of Logjam Lumberyard.
- Outpost Ryder - Southeast of Greasy Grove.
- Outpost Epsilon - West of Sanctuary.
- Outpost Raven - South of Sanctuary.
- Outpost Dash - North of The Daily Bugle.
Readers can watch this video for more information:
How long will the Imagined Order be able to remain in control of the island?
With The Seven mounting a counter-offensive, the battle lines on the island will soon be redrawn. According to leakers, over time, the IO will only be left with their main POI and a portion of Loot Lake. But for the time being, their influence is substantial. Here's where their main bases are located.
- Command Cavern
- The Fortress
- Tilted Towers
- Rocky Reels
- Condo Canyon
- Coney Crossroads
- The Daily Bugle
Over time, these bases with IO Airships in Fortnite Chapter 3 will crash and burn to the ground. It's currently unclear if these will be mini-events or if the changes will occur during downtime. Either way, the battle for the Flipside has already begun, and The Daily Bugle is currently 'ground zero.'
Once the POI falls, the resistance forces are likely to make their way to other major POIs and repeat the process. Hopefully, by the time week six of the current season begins, the IO will have all but been defeated.
Given how stubborn the faction is in Fortnite, they are likely to hold on until the end of the season. In all probability, they are waiting for something to happen on the island. If the speculation about building a Mecha-Cattus comes true, then The Seven are going to have a trying time fighting it.
Nevertheless, for now, things will be going in favor of the resistance. Each week, more and more POIs will be liberated, and Outposts will be destroyed. It's safe to say that the IO chose the wrong faction to fight against, and they will ultimately lose.