Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 3 did what all seasons of the game do best: introduce new, good characters. For starters, the Battle Pass includes both Darth Vader and Indiana Jones.
The collaborative skins in recent Battle Passes (Carnage, Rick Sanchez, Superman, Spider-Man, Doctor Strange, and The Prowler) have all been successes.
One of the biggest downsides to many recent Battle Passes has been that the original skins aren't as good as they used to be. Great outfits like Omega or Calamity aren't made anymore.
However, this season might have remedied that. There are a few promising original skins, though one, in particular, seems to be taking the community by storm. Evie, the first skin players get when they get the pass, has become very popular.
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Fortnite loopers obsessed with making Evie fan art
Fan art of certain Fortnite characters is not uncommon. Most of them get that treatment by at least some of the community.
Doctor Slone, Harley Quinn, The Imagined, The Foundation, and many others have been popular among fan artists.

None have gotten the same amount of attention that Evie has. She might have a case for the most popular non-collaborative skin in a long time.
That's saying something, especially since gamers unlocked her immediately and didn't even have to earn a single Battle Star.
Evie comes from the Syndicate Idol set, which only has her cosmetics. Might there be more characters like her on the way? Maybe.
The Syndicate apparently helped The Seven in the war, so it's possible.
There have been all kinds of different art styles and interpretations of the character, and the season is just over a week old.
She's so popular that artists are sharing their unfinished work of hers.
Some players are putting her in front of picturesque backgrounds.
Others even had her look slightly different to make more unique art pieces.
Most fan arts of video game characters are digital, so a hand-drawn one like this stands out a little bit.
Several posts have received quite a bit of attention.
Many artists took the opportunity to share their love for the new character.
A few are happy with other Battle Pass skins, too, so they also included them.
Art styles for the posts have varied widely.
Others put her in all kinds of poses to show off their skill and character at the same time.
Fortnite just had its long-awaited official collaboration with Among Us. One artist noted that and had Evie cross over with the game.
Among Us is also a popular feature in Fortnite, so the two being together is no surprise.
Cosplay should be considered art, especially when it perfectly mirrors the character.
Evie's color scheme mirrors that of Nintendo Switch joycon controllers, so the connection makes sense.
Clearly, Evie is a very popular addition to the game, and more popular art will show up as the season progresses.