Earning XP in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 3 is easy and fast, especially in the first few days. Epic Games has released many challenges that can be used to level up the Battle Pass early on. However, completing challenges is just one of several ways that can be used to level up this season. There are several other methods, and each of them is very effective.
Epic released Unreal Editor for Fortnite (UEFN) in March 2023, and the maps created with it can be used to earn XP in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 3. Furthermore, Fortnite's PvE mode also grants a lot of XP.
Here are the five fastest ways to get XP in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 3.
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Earning XP in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 3 is very easy
1) UEFN maps are great for leveling up the Battle Pass

Earning XP is possible with UEFN maps. These maps grant XP for every minute spent in them. That said, staying on the map for at least 60 minutes is necessary to see the progress.
Many of these maps can also be used to gain XP passively. A great example is the Sharpshooter Skybox map, which can be accessed with the code 2105-3363-5094. The easiest way to enter the code is by opening the game mode selection menu and going to the Island Code tab.
Once you join the map, you can either play it or simply stay away from your system. Whatever you do, you will gain XP in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 3 and level up your Battle Pass.
Each Creative session lasts four hours, and you can gain at least five levels per session.
2) Playing in Fortnite bot lobbies pays off

Playing against other human operators can be challenging, which is why Fortnite bot lobbies are fantastic. Fortnite bots are very easy to eliminate, so it's possible to level up from the XP gained from eliminations.
There are a few different methods of entering bot lobbies. However, adding a matchmaking bot to your friend list is the easiest method. You can add MM-Bot27 as your friend and invite it to your lobby.
If the bot doesn't accept your invite or takes a long time to join, you can invite another bot. To do this, simply change the number at the end. For example, you can invite MM-Bot35, MM-Bot40, and so on.
Alternatively, you can also create a new Epic Games account and team up with it. Every new account gets a bot lobby, so you can use this method as long as you have a second device. You can also use cloud gaming services, such as GeForce Now, to team up with your new account.
3) Fortnite's PvE mode grants a lot of XP as well

You need 7.92 million XP to reach level 100 in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 3. If you get tired of playing the Battle Royale mode, you can simply switch to Fortnite's PvE mode, Save the World, and earn XP.
It is possible to earn up to 320,000 XP per day in this mode, which is equal to four Battle Pass levels. By playing Fortnite: Save the World alone, you can earn enough XP to unlock every single Battle Pass reward.
While playing Endurance is a popular way to earn XP in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 3, all the other missions grant a lot of XP. Here are XP rewards for several types of missions:
- Category 4 Storm - 50,400 XP
- Ride the Lightning - 30,800 XP
- Retreive the Data - 36,400 XP
- Deliver the Bomb - 32,500 XP
- Refuel the Homebase - 51,800 XP
- Repair the Shelter - 44,800 XP
- Build the Radar Grid - 50,400 XP
It's important to note that these are maximum rewards. Building every radar tower in the last mission grants 50,400 XP, but building only three grants a smaller reward.
4) Completing challenges and Milestones

Completing challenges is probably the fastest way to earn XP in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 3. That said, the only issue is that these challenges are limited and cannot be completed more than once.
If you want to level up as quickly as possible, you need to finish three daily challenges daily. This equals 45,000 XP, more than half of a Battle Pass level.
Each stage of the Transformers challenges grants 30,000 XP, while weekly challenges grant from 20,000 to 40,000 XP. There is also a bonus of 45,000 XP for every five completed weekly challenges.
Finally, Epic Games released the Snapshot questline and changed the Milestones system in the new season. Completing all of these quests can skyrocket you to at least level 20 early in the season.
5) Buying levels is the fastest option

The fastest way to unlock the entire Battle Pass is to simply purchase levels. Instead of earning XP in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 3, you can simply spend your V-Bucks to unlock all the cosmetics.
While this is the fastest way to reach level 200, we don't recommend using it. Purchasing levels is quick, but each level costs 150 V-Bucks. If you want to get to level 200, you will have to spend nearly 30,000 V-Bucks, which will hit you back nearly $200.
Earning XP in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 3 is easy enough, so you should purchase Battle Pass levels only if you fail to unlock all the cosmetics by the end of the season. The season ends on September 23, 2023; hence, you have more than enough time to level up and unlock all the skins and other cosmetics.