The Fortnite 2024 Roadmap was leaked to 4chan a few days ago. Initially, there was some skepticism about the authenticity of it. Given that none of the major leakers/data-miners had come by this information, the community at large was hesitant about buying it in. However, as it turns out, the Fortnite 2024 Roadmap is not only true but provides details about content for the entire year across all major modes.
Billie Eilish will collaborate with Fortnite Festival Season 3 and the LEGO Farm Friends update (v29.30) will go live today (April 23, 2024). This confirms that the Fortnite 2024 Roadmap is accurate. The upcoming Star Wars collaboration was also listed and as such will be the next major update shortly before Star Wars Day (May 3).
Keeping content aside that is due in the next few days/weeks, the larger picture at play is the series of events that will occur in Battle Royale. Since it has a storyline to follow, theories have been digging deep to connect the dots. While things will change based on the final version of events that Epic Games has planned, most of it should remain the same.
That said, here is the Fortnite 2024 Roadmap explained.
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Fortnite 2024 Roadmap: Battle Royale and beyond
Chapter 5 Season 3
Following the events of Chapter 5 Season 2, Chapter 5 Season 3 will be apocalyptic/wasteland themed. There are a few hints in-game that point towards this being the main theme. Mainly, it has to do with the fact that Zeus will be defeated and his hourglass will break. The sand within it will leak out and create a new desert (as seen in the leaked image).
Once this occurs, without a leader, the island will be plunged into absolute chaos. During this time, three major collaborations will occur. Two of them, Metallica and Pirates of the Caribbean can be seen in the leaked image. A third, likely Mad Max is being speculated based on the fact that Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga, debuts on the same day as Chapter 5 Season 3.
Towards the end of the timeline, it is speculated that chaos attracts Doctor Victor Von Doom. Given his association with Valerie (member of The Society), it is very likely that he traveled to this reality to help them, but arrived rather late. His arrival marks the end of Chapter 5 Season 3 and the beginning of Chapter 5 Season 4.
On a side note, based on the image showcasing the Fortnite 2024 Roadmap, Metallica will be the headline act for Fortnite Festival Season 4. Additionally, Klombo will be added to LEGO Fortnite in some capacity and Fortnite Rocket Racing Season 2 will kick off as well. LEGO Fortnite Battle Pass could also be introduced at the start of Chapter 5 Season 3.
Also Check: Fortnite Interactive Map
Chapter 5 Season 4
Following the events of Chapter 5 Season 3, Doctor Victor Von Doom will appear on the island in Chapter 5 Season 4. Given the lore and backstory that was mentioned in Fortnite x Marvel: Zero War Issue #5, Doctor Doom mentions that the Imagined Order's vision could never be fully realized by Geno. It was up to him to see things come to fruition.
Given these facts, Doctor Doom may seek to establish the Imagined Order once more. With Geno and The Seven out of the picture, there would be no one to stop him if he decides to follow through with his nefarious plans. Since the leaked image showcases him standing in front of Zero Point, it would seem that he eventually takes control of this reality.
With his arrival being tied to Fortnitemares 2024, the storyline will very much revolve around him. Towards the end of Chapter 5 Season 4, he likely tried to use the power of Zero Point, but things went amiss. With time travel being easily accessible in the Metaverse, he likely teleported the current reality back to OG Fortnite Chapter 2.
On a side note, based on the image showcasing the Fortnite 2024 Roadmap, Karol G will be the featured artist for Fortnite Festival Season 5. Additionally, LEGO Fortnite will be getting two major updates as well. It is not clear what they are, but one of them will be related to Fortnitemares 2024. Fortnite Rocket Racing Season 3 will also kick off around this time.
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Chapter 5 Season 5 (OG Fortnite Chapter 2 Seasons 1 - 3)
When it comes to the Fortnite 2024 Roadmap, not much is known about OG Fortnite Chapter 2. Based on the leaked image, the only thing that can be said is that time travel will be part of the storyline and Chapter 2 will be the crux of everything.
This leads to another speculation that Midas or Ascendant Midas could play a role in everything. Since it goes back to the time when he ruled the island, it's not too far-fetched to imagine. Much like the ending of Chapter 4, there will be a live event in Chapter 5 as well. Nothing is known about it in the meantime.
On a side note, based on the image showcasing the Fortnite 2024 Roadmap, Snoop Dogg will be the featured artist for Fortnite Festival Season 6. By the looks of it, he will also be present in Chapter 6 Season 1.
Chapter 6 Season 1
Although the Fortnite 2024 Roadmap provides a lot of insight, Chapter 6 Season 1 is a complete mystery. The only thing that can be speculated about is that an Avatar (James Cameron) collaboration could be featured in-game. This is because Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1 could be themed around Sky Islands. This would mirror the landscape of Pandora and set the stage for this crossover.
Something related to Fortnite Rocket Racing and LEGO Fortnite is also planned, but it is unclear what these could be.
That said, it will be a few months before any more detailed information surfaces. Keep in mind that while the Fortnite 2024 Roadmap sheds light on content that is to arrive throughout the year, it is all subject to change.
Based on numerous factors, Epic Games may shift the timeline for certain collaborations and/or even replace them as needed. Leakers/data-miners will provide updates when possible.